In Wong Kar-wai's works, what level is the performance of "Evil in the East and Poison in the West"?

Thelma 2022-03-28 09:01:11

I watched it several times from 2000 to 2005. On the black and white TV at home, I just thought it was strange, but I couldn't understand it. I was 11-16 years old and in my first love.

I'm 29 years old now, I've been in love four or five times, single, male, and after watching this movie again, I understand all the lines and the plot. Those who say they can't understand, I think most of them should have not enough experience.

Some people in the comments say that the movie is hypocritical, I think it must not be said to be hypocritical, it can only be said that it is more like a literature and art with a bold style.

The lines of the film are very realistic, and the love plot can also find its shadow from the real love.

I think this film has a lot of flavor and connotation, and the desert scenery brings vicissitudes, emptiness, tension and loneliness to the whole film. It feels like a dream, somewhere in a dream, love in a dream, life in a dream.

You'd rather think these are dreams, but the director tells us that it's not, it's all reality.

Favorite sentence: The biggest trouble for people is that they have a good memory.

But at the end there is a contradiction: when you no longer have it, the only thing you can do is keep yourself from forgetting.

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Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.