Be sophisticated, be beautiful.

Dennis 2022-10-14 13:33:48

I have to say that in the first episode, through psychological counseling and external modification for the unconfident uncle, the whole person's spirit looks much better.

Unlike before, you can tell at a glance that he is middle-aged, has poor living habits, and doesn't take care of himself very much. The big moustache covered half of his face, giving him a very heavy feeling.

The little cuties cleaned up the uncle from the inside out, took care of the beard, changed the style of clothes and hats, and taught the uncle to sunscreen. The uncle's house was completely changed to a new style, the sweat-stained sofa was thrown away, and the old and lifeless yard was renovated. A very detailed point is that I saw an old computer replaced by a new one.

The home has become better-looking and more stylish. The uncle's change is actually not big, and it's not as eye-catching as some ugly girl's turnaround, but you can really feel his self-confidence and his joy. For these new changes, all eyes are full of smiles, and it is no longer like the beginning, full of certainty: you can't change the ugly.

Speaking of which, then, what are the ugly standards? The uncle defines himself as ugly, and at the same time believes that ugliness cannot be changed, so he lives the same life day after day. Wearing clothes is always the same style for thousands of years, eating food is fixed in the restaurant, and the old things at home are not willing to throw away when they are dirty.

Living a monotonous life day in and day out.

Without anger, without the desire to explore new things, and with self-denial, he really became a middle-aged man who looked greasy and had a heavy life.

So the little cuties in the show appeared, and they deeply understood that to promote psychological changes, they had to start from a technical point of view. The uncle was amazed while accepting the change, and finally he was moved to tears. He never thought that he could do the same.

Then the uncle was always smiling. Filled with a confident smile that made him look much more annoyed than he started.

The uncle hasn't become more beautiful, but his confidence makes him more attractive.

In the end, it's still an insignificant pot.

The emphasis is to promote the change of psychological consciousness from the technical level. External decorations, behaviors, habits, etc., occupy a large proportion in a person's life. Many people say that they don't care about the details. In more cases, the essence is not particular.

If you don't pay attention, you don't know what you can do. Living in a self-limited world, and self-limited comfort zone, also limits the distribution of personal charm.

Pay attention to yourself, pay attention to life. Just like the uncle, he is obviously a very interesting person, but he looks like he wears it every day and has a single lifestyle. What is your first impression of him? Similarly, after the uncle changed, the praise from his ex-wife and friends exemplified this very well.

Pay attention to it, it can't directly make you beautiful, but if you pay attention to life, life will release your charm more powerfully. A man full of charm, how can you say he is not beautiful?

Being particular is a form of self-love and the only way to make life beautiful.

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