Homosexuality is not a scourge

Theodora 2022-11-09 10:34:59

In the eyes of some people, homosexuality is a taboo topic, and they avoid it, thinking that talking about these three words is an insult to themselves. However, this variety show allows us to understand the life of this group. They are not different from us. They were also born to their mothers in October. They also go to school and work with us. You see, there is no difference. Every day When we say that everyone is equal, do we really achieve equality for everyone? I support homosexuality, not to follow the trend, nor to show how great I am. I just think that everyone lives on the same earth and has the same rights and obligations, so why should they be treated differently? Why can't they also have the right to love? I hope you are kind to others, and be kind to yourself

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