A film likes a director

Karson 2022-03-25 09:01:16

This kind of film actually started to understand a little bit! A film likes a director. Very distinct personal style, fixed camera position, multi-layered composition, pale face, and ubiquitous multi-line progress.

Lots of scenes left a lasting impression:

1. The scene in that small bar is reminiscent of Edward hopper's nighthawks, cold and alienated.

2. The magician sawed a living person, and the sawed person said "Hey! Hey!" It really made people laugh.

3. The fat man in gray came home and touched his wife's buttocks black, which also hit me with a strange laugh.

4. The eldest son is in a lunatic asylum and is speechless; people flee at high-level meetings, dogs are blocked on the street, disorder; old love is rejected, women and new lovers applaud for love, and they lose their morality; work hard for 30 years The court was dismissed, disappointed; Jesus was thrown into the garbage dump like a broken faith. In short, many good things that should accompany human beings are gradually disappearing.

5. There is an excellent scene: in the magnificent station, the staff are standing neatly, the depth of the whole scene shows the oppression of social order, a couple dragging their heavy luggage forward, on the long road of life. In the middle of the game, I have brought too many external things with me. It seems that these external things cannot be discarded. They will be scrutinized by the society. The golf clubs that symbolize the objects of the upper class will only make people more busy and tired.

There are still a lot of things that I don't understand, but I found it's okay to enjoy the novel experience brought by the language of the film. These personal feelings will be precipitated into the understanding of the world, which is the director's best gift to the viewers.

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Extended Reading

Songs from the Second Floor quotes

  • Business Man: We have already sacrificed our youth. Can we do more?

  • [repeated line]

    Stefan: Blessed be the one who sits down.