short comment

Green 2022-03-25 09:01:16

Roy Anderson has established a more extreme personal style through these three films, not only in the language of the film, but also in the content of the film. The drama has been dissolved, the narrative has disappeared, and there are only fragments that keep repeating the cruelty and sadness of life ("You Are Alive" is an exception; it also became the best of the three in my opinion. ). This way of filming may not reflect a director's control over a grand narrative, but it can indeed express what a person wants to express to the absolute extreme, so you can't say it's unsuccessful. Plus, some shots are brilliantly done; there are multiple layers of story in one shot. The seemingly non-existent symbolism actually catches the audience quite a bit. (Towel City)

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Extended Reading

Songs from the Second Floor quotes

  • Business Man: We have already sacrificed our youth. Can we do more?

  • [repeated line]

    Stefan: Blessed be the one who sits down.