"Batman Ninja" I only see the picture

Addison 2022-10-13 10:46:32

The mirroring is cool, the style of painting is fine, the scene is beautiful, the action is praised, and the 3D modeling is very good. Comfortable. The plot is average, and the beginning is almost boring (usually superhero animation movies are not good-looking, of course, if there are no special effects scenes for live-action movies, the plot is also not good-looking), in the later stage, the appearance of the mecha directly evolved into very boring until the second, and at the end In the past, it has completely turned into a fool. Others, no, those who like to see pictures (here simply refers to the fineness of [painting], not the special effects shots like the Women's Federation) can watch it, but those who don’t like watching pictures Just pass it directly ps: Finally, let me say that the picture is really good, 2.5 points are all for the picture, and the plot is 0 points

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Batman Ninja quotes

  • Catwoman: Time for some girl-on-girl action!

  • Catwoman: Harley Quinn could use a good ass kicking.