Japanese animation, domineering and powerful cultural output

Melissa 2022-11-13 23:36:13

With the upcoming release of "Avengers 3", Marvel's brand popularity has ushered in a new high, what kind of box office miracles "Avengers 3" can achieve is worth looking forward to.

Haha, it seems a bit unkind to talk about DC starting with Marvel. When Marvel has made a fortune from live-action movies over the years, DC has not only made many live-action movies in a row, but its brand influence is also growing. reduce.

In order to maintain the popularity of the brand, DC can only step back and put more energy into the production of episodes and animated films, and Xu Tu is backward.

It is in such a large environment that DC has launched at least three animation works every year on average in recent years, and the "Ninja Batman" that I want to recommend to everyone this time is also an animated film.

First of all, because of the unique theme of this work, DC chose to work with a Japanese animation studio to complete it, and Kamikaze Animation was their carefully selected partner.

Since there is not much information on Kamikaze animation, and the author does not know much about it, I will only briefly introduce it.

Kamikaze belongs to a new type of animation company that has only developed in recent years. In the early days, it mainly focused on the work of OEM animation drama OP/ED, and the excellent OP produced for the animation of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" in 2012 is their earliest known. well-known works.

After becoming famous, Kamikaze Animation's subsequent development path was also relatively alternative. It did not start to undertake the work of long-form animation in large quantities, but continued to take a streamlined route to polish its technology.

Since I have been focusing on the production of OP works for many years, to make excellent works in just one or two minutes, we must not cut corners like ordinary animation dramas, so the overall production level of kamikaze animation is quite high. .

It seems that Kamikaze Animation has no intention of compromising on this point. Even if it wants to make a big work, it will only do theater-level works, so there is an attempt like "Ninja Batman".

Back to the topic, "Batman Ninja" can tell the content of the film at a glance from the name. That's right, our Lord Wayne is in Japan this time. However, it is not just as simple as crossing the ocean to Japan.

Because the gorilla Grude saved a space-time shuttle, the master who went to stop the crime was sent to Japan in the Warring States Period with a confused look.

But the real deal

After coming to the Warring States period, Batman found himself wanted by the government of this era. Under the siege of a large number of people, the master subconsciously threw a smoke bomb and prepared to use the hook lock to rush to evacuate. It's a bungalow, this is embarrassing, let's run and retreat...

The rope-moving terrier, as embarrassing as Spider-Man, could not escape the rich master.

After a simple investigation, the master quickly found out that he was wanted by an old enemy clown. It turned out that in addition to himself, all criminals in Gotham City were also sent over by Groot, and because of the time difference, he Two years later than the Joker. It is the difference in this period of time that the clown and other criminals have mastered the forces of all parties at that time, and formed the situation of the Warring States pattern.

For example, the clown incarnates as the sixth day devil - Oda Nobunaga

The Penguin became a man who started out with Sun Tzu's Art of War——Takeda Shingen

The Poison Ivy Girl became the War God of Warring States in Echigo - Kenshin Uesugi

The death knell became the one-eyed dragon of the Warring States Period - Date Masamune

The two-faced man became the Joker's vassal in Omi, it should be - Matsujiujiuxiu, right? ? ? (Anyone who knows welcome popular science)

As for Gorilla Grude, this guy turned out to be Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Friends who understand the Warring States Terrier will smile knowingly...

And since these desperados gained power in such a chaotic situation in the Warring States Period, naturally they would not live in peace, and the master naturally shouldered the great responsibility of pacifying the chaotic world.

However, since he is in a foreign land under the old time and space and is wanted by the clown, the master naturally has to keep a low profile, and stealth action is naturally indispensable.

No, no, it's not this kind of regular sneaking, it's sneaking in disguise!

After some preparations, the master challenged the clown for the first time. However, after two years of preparation, the clown has already changed the direction of history. Not only has he developed steam power, but he has even created a cannon and machine gun. Yes - Gundam!

Of course, after seeing the transformation of Azuchi Castle into Gundam, the audience should also be prepared. This drama is definitely different from the usual "Batman".

So, we shouldn't be surprised when we see Bane transformed into a yokozuna.

After the first climax of the film, the audience can clearly feel the style trend of the film. Although the characters in the film are all acquaintances in DC comics, except for the core settings that have not changed, the film is filled with various Japanese cultural elements.

Of course, kamikaze still retains the necessary respect for big brands like Batman, and various role stalks are also played to the sky.

Continuing to return to the topic, compared to Chinese culture, Japanese culture is far from objectively insufficient in terms of thickness and connotation. However, the impact of Japanese culture has been accepted everywhere in the world, and it has been affirmed to a great extent.

Taking this film as an example, in addition to the background of the Warring States period combined with the background of ancient Japanese culture, the battle of the film also added ninja elements and Japanese-style sword duels, and the robot element is even more eye-catching. The above-mentioned Not to mention a large armor for each of the five villains of Arkham, in the end they even played the six gods, and Bushido, ninja, and robots are the symbols of Japanese culture.

Dare to add its own cultural elements to any work, and rationalize it to the greatest extent, is a problem that my country's film and television works have always been unable to avoid, and often the fusion of many elements will become a different existence.

In this regard, in addition to the lack of creative completion, the biggest problem with domestic film and television works is the lack of confidence in the culture itself. It can be seen that in "Batman Ninja", the kamikaze animation is actually very blunt with the fusion of Japanese elements, but when all the Japanese elements of the film are strong and righteous, everything seems to be logical.

Some Chinese film and television works, when trying to add Chinese elements, are often concerned about the acceptance of foreign audiences, and often make some adaptations to meet global tastes in the transmission of cultural content. Take my country's most famous commercial film as an example. Jackie Chan + Jet Li's "King of Kung Fu" is actually a popcorn movie with a delicious taste under the Hollywood filming system. On the contrary, "Legend of the White Snake" starring Jet Li, a domestic film that is very ordinary in various senses, has been greatly recognized by foreigners.

Some of the fighting scenes in this film are actually pretty good.

The same is true for Chinese directors. The films made by Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige for us Chinese people to watch have been successful on a global scale, and when they are fully prepared, they think they have figured out the appetite of foreign audiences and want to be in the world film market. When they worked hard, they fell one by one and their noses were blue and their faces were swollen. On the other hand, Director Ang Lee has won many Oscars because he has retained his knowledge of Chinese culture to the greatest extent possible, and at the same time has not deliberately catered to the audience's taste.

The kamikaze animation in "Ninja Batman" not only simply added cultural elements, but also integrated the Japanese art style in the style of painting. Although most of them still use the thick and crazy lines of the American comic style (actually similar to the style of painting in JOJO), there are many details worth paying attention to.

For example, the painting style, lines and coloring of these backgrounds are all traditional oriental art styles. When the protagonist with thick lines appears in the picture together, the collision of the two painting styles will bring a subtle sense of disharmony, but it is suitable for After that, it will instead play a role in emphasizing the background of the story, and the plot trends that are a little unruly are more easily accepted by people.

Pay attention to the details of the sky here, the dark pattern of the waves is the expression of traditional Japanese art style.

In addition to some small details, the film also inserted two paragraphs of content with different styles of painting. Since I am not an art major, I can't tell the way out, but everyone should understand it by looking at the picture below.

Can you believe this is ugly?

It is the implantation of such strong cultural elements that makes "Batman Ninja" the most stylish Batman work in recent years. Although the script of the film is boring and the connotation is superficial, it cannot hide the huge character and style of the painting. Light, foreign film critics also gave the film extremely high scores.

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Extended Reading

Batman Ninja quotes

  • Catwoman: Time for some girl-on-girl action!

  • Catwoman: Harley Quinn could use a good ass kicking.