Batman movie under the shell of Japanese comics

Sarina 2022-09-27 15:08:34

"Batman Ninja" super five stars. I found the feeling of watching a special film when I was a child, and I watched it with my mouth wide open in amazement: Oh my god, what is this! Oh, I can still do this! The lines of the second middle school are so refreshing. feel it. The film is the core of Batman, but it is wrapped in a downright Japanese routine and style. The color style of the middle paragraph similar to Akira Kurosawa's manuscript is amazing. The Joker's double-sided death knell and poison ivy can transform their fortresses into robots, and they can actually fit together! Batman's motorcycle can be transformed into a mecha. The final battle is also Ultraman's regular routine for fighting monsters. The protagonist's halo and brainless superpowers once again saved Japan at the critical moment, but in the end, the master still can't help but defeat the obsession of not killing the clown. One last word, the moment I saw this version of Catwoman debut, I thought I was in love.

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Batman Ninja quotes

  • Catwoman: Time for some girl-on-girl action!

  • Catwoman: Harley Quinn could use a good ass kicking.