It is not difficult to understand why overseas ratings are so high...

Devon 2022-11-22 06:06:59

The super high ratings overseas made me eat raw meat with high expectations. I feel that the quality of dc animations in recent years should be quite high. Bat is the deepest, darkest, most scheming and pessimistic character in the dc series. In this step, there is basically no black place except for the color tone. The character is the same as everyone else. The Japanese characteristics are very far-fetched. Except for the scenes, there is not much Japanese flavor. On the contrary, the second-disease fever-blood fighting in the large-scale mecha has a very Japanese-style hot-blooded flavor. It can be said that the action scenes are very good. A sudden change in the style of the clown's amnesia reminds me of Van Gogh's stop-motion oil painting, which is a very rare attempt in the field of animation with a large audience at a young age. In general, the story can be a little more complicated. The psychology and personality of the bat has always been the highlight of the bat department. Without a complicated story, it is impossible to understand his twisted heart. Many small details are very good, and the catwoman's voice is not good. For overseas audiences, the lack of understanding of East Asian culture makes this ninja element particularly successful, but we, as insiders, are easily embarrassed. Well, after all, going uphill is better than any Justice League movie...

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Batman Ninja quotes

  • Catwoman: Time for some girl-on-girl action!

  • Catwoman: Harley Quinn could use a good ass kicking.