"Batman Ninja" DC Animated Wonder Story

Letitia 2022-11-27 09:55:26

If you make a personal ranking for DC animation, this "Ninja Batman" is definitely the top three in my mind.

Of course, it's not that the quality of the animation itself is so good, but that it is particularly cool as a fan.

Batman's handsome title

In the past few years, DC's momentum has been getting worse and worse. Several DC universe movies have been made, which have received mixed reviews, high-level employees are suspicious, and casting and directing have been exchanged. Comics have entered the Chinese market, but there is no reader base in the country for many years, and Meiman is still a relatively small existence in China.

Animations come out every year. In the past few years, they relied on the adaptation of comics with relatively high evaluation and popularity. However, when the old books are always finished, the animation production is slowly showing fatigue. Instead, it is the few who cooperated with LEGO. A young age story.

This animated film jointly launched by DC and Japanese Kamikaze Animation is a bit like going to the doctor in a hurry. Fortunately, "Batman Ninja" has earned enough visual novelty, and it is not a failure.

The animation is an original story. When Batman hunts down the villain Gorilla Grude, he triggers the time machine made by Grude. He and a group of villains return to Japan's Warring States period. Due to interference during travel, Batman. Xia arrived in Japan two years later than the villains.

In Japan at this time, several villains have long become Japanese names, fighting against each other. Every Gotham criminal wants to conquer and unify Japan.... The setting of the name here, the Japanese do not forget to touch the famous names of the Warring States period in history In the limelight, the clown is known as the "Sixth Heaven Demon King", the penguin occupied Jiafei, the poison ivy girl occupied Echigo, the death knell occupied Mutsu, and the two-faced man owned Omi.

Friends who know a little about Japanese history, or have played the Japanese "Warring States" series of games must be familiar with them. Among the most famous military commanders in these countries, "Sixth Heaven Demon King" is the nickname of Nobunaga Oda; "Tiger of Jiafei" Takeda Shingen's banner is "Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain"; "Dragon of Echigo" Uesugi Kenshin is said to have a handsome face, with male and female portraits; "Oshu pen" Date Masamune is one-eyed; Oda Nobunaga's younger sister, a prince of the Oda family, finally betrayed Oda Nobunaga.

Although it is far-fetched, some villains really match up with these famous names...

After Batman returned to Japan, he first met the Bat Ninja clan who thought he was the one who saved the world in the prophecy. super robot....

The Japanese really love oversized robots....or the fit mecha like Voltron

This kind of story is too infinite, and even no one dares to write it like this. . . .

There are many, and even many superheroes, such as Dr. Destiny, The Flash, Doctor Strange, etc., and there are time-travelling skills in their own skill points; Spider-Man has also created a spider universe with more than 100 different eras in it. Spiderman with different characters.

But go back in time to be emperor? The overbearing president fell in love with me? It's the only one with a story like this...

This animation is a collection of the most popular crossing + Sengoku + giant robots in the Japanese animation circle. The combination with Batman, a modern superhero, is not nondescript, probably thanks to the hero itself, which has many Japanese elements.

Uchiha Wayne!

In the original story, Batman was trained as a ninja in the Assassin League. This experience was described in the Nolan trilogy "Mystery of the Shadow"; after becoming a superhero, he even acted as secretly as a ninja. The manner and toughness of Bushido. Several Robin weapons, long sticks, short sticks, ninja swords, etc., are also commonly used by Japanese ninjas.

Four Robin and Batman looks

In addition to the amazing story, the art level of "Ninja Batman" is really a high level in the same series. The combination of several beautiful cartoon characters and Japanese style is almost perfect, especially the monk shape of the second generation Robin (the first from the right in the picture above), which is very in line with the original setting of "Red Hood", and the shape of Batman's armor is more normal The armor is not much better.

There are several transitions with different original art designs

The 3D modeled characters should be the only uncomfortable place in the art, especially the main characters in the animation are 3D modeling, the background and secondary characters are 2D, and the degree of violation is slightly higher. Moreover, when the background art is relatively well done, the slightly scumbag 3D characters appear to be sluggish.

In addition, this method of mixing and matching different cultures to produce superhero film and television works is really rare in Meiman and its adaptations, and the level of cooperation is unprecedented.

The comic modes of Japan and the United States are completely different. For Meiman, there is no such thing as split shots. When encountering a fight scene, the picture completely freezes, and there are only a few movements back and forth with large blocks of onomatopoeia. This leads to the lack of motion in the filmed animation. The whole thing is a horizontal line on the plane. The superheroes fight one after another, and it is not as good as children fighting.

Animation does absorb the advantages of Japanese animation, but the disadvantage is that it is too "Japanese"

Riman's excellent storytelling level is really not something that other countries can learn. If nothing else, Riman can tell stories with only actions and no dialogue. In "Slam Dunk", Xiangbei is high on Shanwang, and there are several There is no dialogue at all in the words, but the tension of the picture is enough, and there is a sense of tension when there is no words; the action storyboards of "Dragon Ball" are also outstanding in Japanese comics, and every picture can be used as an animation storyboard draft. .

"Ninja Batman" relies on the Japanese team, and the screen action is indeed greatly improved compared to before, and the visual effects are refreshing.

Speaking of co-production animations abroad, both DC and Marvel have done it. In 2012, DC cooperated with the domestic wolf smoke animation studio to produce a three-episode short film called "Shanghai Batman", adding some Chinese ink elements, the setting is very interesting.

Catwoman in "Batman Shanghai"

Marvel's animation department has been in a slump. Several animated films have been released with naive stories and bad pictures, more like small workshop products. In 2010, they began to cooperate with the famous Japanese MADHOUSE, and launched Iron Man, Wolverine, and Blade Warrior. The Japanese version of the animation, but the story is too localized, resulting in four different works, selling dog meat with sheep's heads, and the evaluation is very poor, so after a season, there is no more text.

If this DC cooperation is successful, I wonder if there will be more localized comic characters in the future. If there is no closed doors, both the input and output of culture are a kind of healthy development. For this industry, it can be said that countless possibilities have been extended.

Maybe it is not impossible for Steve Rogers' version of "Back to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince", Tony Stark's "Looking for Qin", and Bruce Wayne's "Douluo Continent"!

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Batman Ninja quotes

  • Catwoman: Time for some girl-on-girl action!

  • Catwoman: Harley Quinn could use a good ass kicking.