The character is collapsed, and the style of painting is exquisite

Jayne 2022-12-02 10:01:54

In my impression, Batman should be brave and resourceful, not easy to take action, and a ruthless character who is deadly, thoughtful but hard to guess, except for privately letting go of the housekeeper, outsiders are warm-faced and cold-hearted The feeling of the butt, never trust people casually, and never doubt people casually. But the Batman here is a lot of thieves, he is not cold at all, he can chat with anyone, what the gorilla is talking about, he has no precaution at all, and he follows the customs of the country. The bats say that you are the leader. If you are so good, why not open a martial arts hall in the 21st century.

The villains, apart from Gorilla Gru and the Joker, can't be seen by anyone else. A group of mentally retarded are still brainwashed. If they can't beat them, they will fight a few Gundams, and finally come together. Is this still Batman's old enemy?

The idea of ​​the beginning of the plot is very interesting, let’s go through it, but the later development is too nonsense. Japanese samurai, ninjas, mechas, the tone of the characters speak, etc., I feel that it is for forcibly instilling Japanese characteristic culture, not for Batman himself. of.

The characters are basically all here, and I miss them very much. The housekeeper, a few servants, Catwoman, and a few big villains all appeared, like a big party. Coupled with the style of painting that is different from Hollywood, it is worth a point.

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Extended Reading

Batman Ninja quotes

  • Catwoman: Time for some girl-on-girl action!

  • Catwoman: Harley Quinn could use a good ass kicking.