Drama 0 points

Tanner 2022-09-18 13:15:30

Let me say a few good things first: 3D painting has been completed, and there are a lot of good fighting scenes; a dynamic cartoon inserted in the middle is not because the funds are not enough, at least the style of the painting is still good.

Then I started to complain: Is the storyboard really suitable for fighting?

What's going to happen to Lao Bat's shoehorn face this time? Taking off the mask is a completely different person, right? ! The official rant about that hairstyle can't save it, right?

I'm afraid this time Batman is not smart enough, right? When will the old bat be inseparable from technology, tell me? What about the good strategist? Why did Mao just pass by?

The clown has been completely reduced to a lunatic who throws smoke bombs all the way hahaha, okay? How could my ugly master become so stupid, and he actually built a giant robot after two years of planning? Appearance is praised, and it is customary not to kill praise.

What is the meaning of ivy and penguin and death knell, you tell me? Make up the head?

Finally: Why is it turning into a robot war? Is the setting like Monkey Giant really good? This is a forced ending!

Who the hell came up with the Beastmaster fusion? If you come out, I will give you a buff even if I don't hit you.

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Extended Reading

Batman Ninja quotes

  • Catwoman: Time for some girl-on-girl action!

  • Catwoman: Harley Quinn could use a good ass kicking.