Old age is an absurd tragicomedy

Kraig 2022-09-11 11:40:02

In addition to this forced ending, this is actually not a comedy. In my eyes, it looks like an absurd tragicomedy. The dress of the old lady should be beautiful if you change it to a 20-year-old body, but it can be replaced by an old body, but it looks like this. Weirdly awkward and out of place. This amusing, embarrassing, and sad plot tells us that girls must love when they are young, hate when they want, and be beautiful when they are beautiful, and then when they are old, they can move on. Time to move on. When I opened it, I thought the director was going to present a story about an old woman falling in love with a little fresh meat and lusting after the elderly women. Well, but we still have to paralyze ourselves with powerful thoughts, find fun in life, and keep telling ourselves that I can

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Hello, My Name Is Doris quotes

  • Party Goer: I'm a teacher at a gay preschool.

  • John: I met a woman in the elevator this morning. We hardly exchanged more than a few words, but she made a big impression on me. She's standing right there... Look lady, I don't even know your name, but you set off a fire inside of me that I've not been able to put out since the moment I laid eyes on you. Can we explore this?