Worth going to the cinema

Lesly 2022-04-13 09:01:06

I have watched a lot of Indian films this year, and all the films shown in the basic theaters have been checked out. The Indian films released this year are basically works with realistic themes. For example, "Wrestling, Dad" and "Mystery Superstar", which focus on women's status, of course, there is also the topic of domestic violence in "Mysterious Superstar". There are also "Uncle Little Lolita's Monkey God" about history and religion, "Starting Line" and "Mr. Hiccup" about education.

"Toilet Revolution" and "Partners of India" are also films that focus on women's status, but they are more directed to the social conditions in India, such as hygiene issues. Many Chinese people laugh at India's health status, including Zhihu, where the "elite class" gathers, laughing at India's natural political correctness. Don't make fun of India at all times. How many realistic works are there in the domestic films released this year? How many movies have really changed society, even a tiny bit? I am afraid there is only "I am not the God of Medicine", and the life-saving drugs in "I am not the God of Medicine" are still generic drugs in India.

In fact, many scholars have expressed such a point of view that India is indeed lagging behind China. Their language is not unified, their infrastructure is very poor, the caste system is deeply poisoned, the status of women is very low, and the hygiene habits are very poor... But they are in a soft system In terms of construction, it is ahead of us, such as the core values ​​of twenty-four characters. Therefore, who will have the last laugh in the battle between the dragon and the elephant has always been a topic that cannot be ignored by researchers who pay attention to Sino-Indian relations.

This film is also based on real events. It is about how to make Indian women use cheap sanitary napkins. It contains two problems: one is how to produce cheap sanitary napkins, and the other is how to fight against tradition and let women accept Sanitary napkins, if it is a woman to do this thing, I am afraid it is a little easier, but it is a man who does this thing, and it is destined that he will suffer more misunderstandings and suffering. At the end of the film, he gave a speech at the United Nations, saying that his goal was not to make a lot of money. In fact, he only had a little money all over his body. His goal was to make India 18% (12% before, because of his products, this The ratio has increased to 18%) and the usage ratio of sanitary napkins has been increased to 100%. Isn't it shocking that very few women actually wear sanitary pads? Just like the popularity of Pinduoduo, those "earth-flavored" photos make people see a different dynasty: Beishangguang is not the norm, those vast counties, towns and towns are the real background colors, and these background colors may never appear in the Glossy movie theater.

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Pad Man quotes

  • Lakshmikant Chauhan: Bloody men... half hour... half hour bleeding like women... they straight dying!

  • Lakshmikant Chauhan: You thinking I mad. But mad only becoming famous!