In the past, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of being a Hu Die, a vivid Hu Die, and said that he was suitable for his ambition! I do not know Zhou also. Suddenly feel, then Ququ Ran Zhou also. I don’t know that Zhou’s dream is Hu Dieyou, and Hu Die’s dream is Zhou Yu?
The name Cheng Dieyi seems to be destined for such a life. Are you Yu Ji or Xiaodouzi? Is he Duan Xiaolou or Chu Bawang? You are an idiot who indulges in drama, but he is an ordinary person living in real life. Do you love him? The love may be the company from childhood, or it may be infected by the love between the overlord and Yu Ji on the stage. Does he love you? Maybe, maybe it's love, maybe it's family, but after all, he still succumbed to the world and didn't dare to step on the wrong one.
It's a lifetime, a year, a month, an hour, not a lifetime!
Although stumbling and quarreling and resentment, you have been together for a lifetime after all.
Starting from Farewell My Concubine and ending with Farewell My Concubine, Cheng Dieyi used her own achievements to achieve this Farewell My Concubine. The king is exhausted, and the cheap concubine is unhappy. When Cheng Dieyi finally realized that his brother was not an overlord, and his belief in life collapsed, does he have any other way out besides suicide?
Maybe in the sky, he can finally obey his heart and be the real Yu Ji!
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