Freedom is not so easy

America 2022-10-15 02:43:33

The opening and closing points of the film, as human beings, we are born with the right to choose, which is a privilege and a burden.

Ronit, a seemingly dashing New Yorker, has left her hometown and loved one, wandering alone in New York, having a favorite photography job, and letting herself go when she is lonely, but it can be seen that she is not happy. She wanted to run away, run away from herself, run away from a repressive life surrounded by religion, and the news of her father's death broke everything.

She seems to see her own shadow in Ronit, her inner struggle, and she likes her unruly and indulgence.

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Extended Reading

Disobedience quotes

  • [first lines]

    Rav Krushka: In the beginning, Hashem made three types of creatures, the angels, the beasts, and the human beings. The angels, He made from His pure word. The angels have no will to do evil. They cannot deviate for one moment from His purpose. The beasts have only their instincts to guide them. They, too, follow the commands of their maker. The Torah states that Hashem spent almost six whole days of creation fashioning these creatures. Then, just before sunset, He took a small quantity of earth and from it He fashioned man and woman. An afterthought? Or His crowning achievement? So, what is this thing? Man? Woman? It is a being with the power to disobey. Alone among all the creatures we have free will. We hang suspended between the clarity of the angels and the desires of the beasts. Hashem gave us choice, which is both a privilege and a burden. We must then choose the tangled life we live.

  • Esti Kuperman: Oh, Ronit...

    Ronit Krushka: Esti... When I saw you, I...

    Esti Kuperman: Yes, me too.