#Electric Phantom# "Disobedience"

Gregorio 2022-12-07 17:43:07

#電光phantom# "Disobedience", holding kindness in hand, forgiving in the heart, in the world where the breeze hits, looking forward to a little light in the dark.

Not long after the beginning of the film, in the passionate speech, the priest fell down, a symbol of the majesty and respect of the right surrounded by everyone, as if at a certain moment, a certain kind of collapse had occurred. And this is just the beginning. The priest who passed away because of illness seemed to say goodbye naturally in the process of aging, and it also brought a little shake to the new era.

Such a traditional and stubborn priest is respected by everyone. He has a daughter with same-sex love, and this daughter has traveled abroad in the past stories. As if everything is because of living in such a small town, the old-fashioned and regular atmosphere requires all the content, and same-sex love is not acceptable. When she was young, the heroine was a good friend with her lover and male companion. And this male companion is also a good disciple of his father, and the current husband of the woman he loves. In the intricate relationship, all the emotional gaps that have been forgotten are brought out, and each gap is waiting precariously, waiting for the next moment to be called to burst.

The father did not leave anything for his daughter, but donated all the wealth. The daughter who failed to see her father for the last time probably won't be able to get her father's forgiveness in the end, but if the hurt and confrontation are mutual, then in the final world, the daughter sees hope and the moment she understands her own choice , leaving is no longer a painful farewell, but a warm hug, a hug with your father, and a hug with your past. Only by facing it is the real relief.

Maybe, everyone loves money, but sometimes, what we covet is not some material satisfaction, but a little emotional attachment. Everything that has been donated, all the materials of the previous family, let them go with the wind. There is reluctance, everything can be let go, but the daughter secretly took the candlestick, the candlestick, that is the memory of childhood, that is the memory of a good life, that is the first line of concern with the most ordinary world in the past, the nostalgia that was taken away, All the longings are left behind.

The luggage changes hands, and it is free to fly. Those who can be willing can leave more room.

Same-sex love has always been tabooed. Women tend to struggle more delicately than men. Religion is bound in the process of life from childhood to adulthood, and the pain slowly turns into a vague feeling, especially floating.

The two female protagonists are obviously beautiful, and the whole story is love, but they always have bitter faces. There is no taste of happiness, nor any pleasure. It seems that all the process is stealing joy and forbearance, which is very painful.

The heroine once said that she never took a picture of her father. This is probably the most tear-jerking scene in the entire lifeless film. At the moment of relief and Mingxiao, she took a camera as a photographer, stood in front of her father, and took pictures of his father's grave. The story of life may be over, but the love of life is endless. Whatever you can leave behind, please leave it to your heart's content.

Silently followed the dull journey for a while. The three former friends re-examined their lives in the intricate love and made their own new choices. Although they may not all be acceptable, change is the way of life of human beings. . In a ray of light, running towards their respective stories.

In fact, it is a little disappointing, but life is full of disappointment everywhere, so why bother, just do it and cherish it.

Author: Little Buddha

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Extended Reading

Disobedience quotes

  • [first lines]

    Rav Krushka: In the beginning, Hashem made three types of creatures, the angels, the beasts, and the human beings. The angels, He made from His pure word. The angels have no will to do evil. They cannot deviate for one moment from His purpose. The beasts have only their instincts to guide them. They, too, follow the commands of their maker. The Torah states that Hashem spent almost six whole days of creation fashioning these creatures. Then, just before sunset, He took a small quantity of earth and from it He fashioned man and woman. An afterthought? Or His crowning achievement? So, what is this thing? Man? Woman? It is a being with the power to disobey. Alone among all the creatures we have free will. We hang suspended between the clarity of the angels and the desires of the beasts. Hashem gave us choice, which is both a privilege and a burden. We must then choose the tangled life we live.

  • Esti Kuperman: Oh, Ronit...

    Ronit Krushka: Esti... When I saw you, I...

    Esti Kuperman: Yes, me too.