Do Not Disturb Bad Movies (Brief Review, The Titan)

Marcellus 2022-10-19 12:49:58

Movie Diary October 14, 2018

Viewing status: tired

Movie viewing experience: the urge to curse...

American movie "The Titan"

Genre: Science Fiction

Main Actor: Sam Worthington

Story Overview: The Birth of a Genetically Modified Human

Release Date: March 30, 2018 in the United States

Epic sci-fi rotten film, whoever pays to watch this film in domestic theaters is really losing money...

Viewing Outlook

①American science fiction films, the overall level is relatively high (ideological, picture quality), I don’t know how this new work performs?

②British actor Sam Worthington starred in, because of last year's American drama "Wanted: The Bomber" and had a special affection for him.

③ The word "Titan" is thought-provoking.

a, reminded of "Greek mythological figures"

b, reminds me of "Superheroes under DC Comics"

Essays in Views

①The story has no beginning or end. To put it bluntly, it is a "human experiment". By modifying DNA, human genes can be evolved, thereby realizing space immigration. Such a simple and clear story was turned into shit by the director.

②The looming conspiracy theory

a, choose soldiers as experimental subjects

b, the doctor did not tell the truth to the trial participants

c. Use the hierarchy to put pressure on lower-level officials

The appearance of these signs shows that "the director tried to use the 'conspiracy theory' to arouse the audience's heated discussion about the film". It's a pity that this is simply "a fool's dream", and was eventually "laughable and generous".

After watching

①I don’t know who was filmed for this rotten movie? I don't know who this shit was sold to? I don't know why this kind of bad movie is released in China?

②The meaning of the film is not clear enough

There are many meanings, but they all stop at the end, and it feels like completing a task, which is too superficial.

a, environmental pollution leads to the destruction of the world

b, the nuclear bomb crisis led to the desolation of the world

c, the population explosion paralyzed the world

d. The development of science and technology leads to natural depletion

e, Altered genes that cause mutations in humans


③More than 90% of the Hollywood films that can be released in China are defective products that cannot be sold, which is sad.

End of review.

Screenwriter★☆☆☆☆ ("Having an idea" and "putting it into practice" are two different things)

Director☆☆☆☆☆ (there is a new-generation director who is "out of tune")

Actor ☆☆☆☆☆ (acting hard, watching hard)

Plot☆☆☆☆☆ (plot is a bug)

Visual effects★☆☆☆☆

Sound effect ★☆☆☆☆ (close to vermilion is red, close to ink is black)

Not recommended

View more about The Titan reviews

Extended Reading

The Titan quotes

  • [first lines]

    Announcer: As nuclear fallout over the Pacific continues to fuel sandstorms over southern California. The last remaining pockets of residents were evacuated by the National Guard. The federal government, already struggling to keep up with flash floods in Long Beach and Venice, has declared Los Angeles uninhabitable.

  • Prof. Martin Collingwood: No one attempts the impossible without belief in something greater than themselves. Even if that something is a someone.