lingering red

Bradford 2022-03-27 09:01:15

"Cry and Whisper"

"Cry and Whisper" is a color film by Bergman. The director embraced the arrival of color film behind the times, but this did not stop him from using color in a dignified manner. Anyone who has seen this film will be deeply impressed by the strong red, elegant black and white in her memory. Although the film is dominated by warm colors of red, the overall atmosphere does not make people feel the slightest warmth. The sisters in white sat in the red room, motionless, like an oil painting.

Perhaps because of the subject matter and title of the film, I began to mistake it for a film adapted from a famous novel in the world. After watching the movie, I couldn't imagine where she would begin and end if this were a novel. I can’t let go of those images created by Bergman, the conflicts and needles of the sisters, those huge and shocking close-ups, those red transitions, and those religiously frozen images.

The film's depiction of women's inner world is so delicate, struggling and delicate that it even makes Almodovar a child's play. Carefree sisters Karin and Maria invite sister Agnes, who lived together as children, but is now ill, home to spend her final moments together. On the surface, or intellectually, the sisters want to try to restore the estrangement and estrangement in the past. But in fact, the distance between people, perhaps the fear of death, has become more and more distant, like strangers. Instead, the maid, Anna, was invited to take care of Agnes, exuding the love of a Virgin. A very famous scene in the film, Anna is topless holding Agnes in pain, this may be the only heart-warming scene in the whole film. At the same time, the male characters in the film are so unimportant, priests, doctors, and husbands, they are the clues that connect the sisters, and they are the other half that I occasionally think of. They are almost all characters without depth.

Touch is the estranged sister who wants to return to the original origin through touch. It is the unfamiliar sadness of the touch between men and women. It is Anna who heals Agnes's wrinkled wound. The cry is Agnes' groan in pain, and Maria's sharp voice. The screams were the wailing of a baby; the whispers were the whispers of Agnes snuggling, the strange and ambiguous whispers of Maria to the doctor, and the lingering impressions etched in her mind.

Bergman is asking, what is the relationship between people? Even if it is an acquaintance, even if it is a relative, even if it is a lover.

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Extended Reading

Cries & Whispers quotes

  • Anna: [reading Agnes' journal entry] "Wednesday, the third of September. A chill in the air tells of autumn's approach, but the days are still lovely and mild. My sisters, Karin and Maria, have come to see me. It's wonderful to be together again like in the old days. I'm feeling much better. We were even able to take a stroll together. It was a wonderful experience, especially for me, since I haven't been outdoors for so long. We suddenly began to laugh and run toward the old swing that we hadn't used since we were children. We sat in it like three good little sisters and Anna pushed us, slowly and gently. All my aches and pains were gone. The people I'm most fond of in all the world were with me. I could hear them chatting around me. I could feel the presence of their bodies, the warmth of their hands. I wanted to cling to that moment, and I thought, "Come what may, this is happiness. I cannot wish for anything better. Now, for a few minutes, I can experience perfection and I feel profoundly grateful to my life, which gives me so much."

  • David: Come here, Marie. Come. Look in the mirror. You're beautiful. Perhaps even more than when we were together. But you've changed and I want you to see how. Now your eyes cast quick, calculating, side glances. You used to look ahead straightforwardly, openly, without disguise. Your mouth has a slightly hungry, dissatisfied expression. It used to be so soft. Your complexion is pale now. You wear makeup. Your fine, wide brow has four lines above each eye now. You can't see them in this light, but you can in the bright of day. You know what caused those lines?

    Maria: No.

    David: Indifference. And this fine contour from your ear to your chin is no longer so finely drawn - the result of too much comfort and laziness. And there, by the bridge of your nose. Why do you sneer so often? You see that? You sneer too often. You see it? And look under your eyes. The sharp, scarcely noticeable wrinkles from your boredom and impatience.

    Maria: Can you really see all that there?

    David: No, but I feel it when you kiss me.

    Maria: I think you're joking with me. I know where you see it.

    David: Where?

    Maria: In yourself. Because you and I are so alike.

    David: You mean in our selfishness, coldness and indifference?