(Spoilers!) A few words in a mess

Elwyn 2022-09-10 21:29:47

First scared by the first three horror stories... I'm really scared...

Life and death stay is a possibility of near-death experience. Personally, I think it is more reliable than a white light, and the beckoning of relatives. The film tells the story of what happens in the brains of people with locked-in syndrome. It was terrifying to see the ending. Those hysterical mental patients probably have their fears or demons magnified a hundred times, what are they going through?

The first time I ventured to post a film review, I found that I needed to make up the number of words. Is it enough now?

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Extended Reading

Ghost Stories quotes

  • Tony Matthews: You'll think I'm mad.

  • Mike Priddle: You ever killed anything?

    Professor Goodman: Certainly not.

    Mike Priddle: Nothing you'll admit to, eh?