There are no ghosts in ghost stories

Hunter 2022-11-02 05:16:22

This article is actually written for friends who have watched the movie, and the content involves some spoilers, so it is not recommended to read this review before watching the movie.

I don't want to discuss the plot and details too much. I believe that those who have watched this film carefully can understand the composition of the story. I just talk about some things outside the plot. It may be that I have overinterpreted it, or it may be because of some things that resonate.

What I want to say is that this is a movie that is said to have changed from a ghostly stage play, and the director is well-intentioned and textbook-level. Any stage play is a shell, and in 100 minutes, there are too many efforts other than ghost stories. If you want to be cool or frightened, this movie is not very exciting, but if you tear the wall directly in the film and enter another rhythm to feel it, this movie is great.

1. The brain only sees what it wants to see.

Locked -in syndrome (locked-in syndrome), also known as locked-in syndrome , is a de-efferent state, which is caused by lesions in the base of the pons . Mainly seen in the vascular lesions of the brainstem , mostly caused by bilateral occlusion of the pontine branches of the basilar artery, resulting in bilateral infarction at the base of the pons . The patient 's cerebral hemispheres and brainstem tegmental reticular activation system are not damaged, so his consciousness remains awake, and his understanding of language is barrier-free. Due to the functional preservation of his oculomotor and trochlear nerves , he can use his eyeballs up and down to indicate the surrounding environment. build connection. However , due to damage to the base of the pons , the bilateral cortical brainstem and corticospinal tracts were blocked, and the motor efferent function below the abducens nucleus was lost . The tongue, pharynx, articulation, and swallowing movements are all impaired, and the neck and shoulders cannot be turned and shrugged. There may be bilateral pathological reflexes . Therefore, although the consciousness is clear, it is often mistaken for a coma because the body cannot move and cannot speak.A normal EEG or mild slow wave can help distinguish it from a true disturbance of consciousness . (from Baidu)

When my grandfather's cerebral hemangioma ruptured, he was lying on the hospital bed playing chess with an invisible man, day and night, muttering, "Eat his horse, eat his rook, alas, I've been made a general again" , This scene was repeated for three days. I believe what was looping in his head was a fragment.

When I was a child, I suffered from encephalitis. When I was in a coma with a high fever, the pictures that appeared in my mind were dynamic fragments, fragmented, but they would appear repeatedly. In the next 20 years, such pictures would be in nightmares, fever, and nightmares. It has appeared many times, such as the front of the black steam train driving towards him.

After talking about these two things that have nothing to do with the movie, continue.

2. The foreshadowing in the film is not a foreshadowing, the clue is not a clue, it is something that every person who has had a nightmare has experienced.

We are all troubled by some things, good and bad, which always come to mind consciously or unconsciously. To borrow a sentence from the foundation, don’t think about the elephant, what is in your mind. These are not within our control.

Don't say that the director gave too much foreshadowing, 3:45, 79, 20 and so on, these are not put out as foreshadowing, these and all other details are mapping a patient with locked-in syndrome lying on a hospital bed brain activity.

Of course, the plot in the movie is more exciting, putting a lot of unhappiness on one person, so he chose to commit suicide. If I wanted to use a gun, I finally chose a relatively peaceful way, but it was more troublesome.

The title says that his father's religious beliefs are against him, so he has no ghosts and gods, so he went to church to interview priests with prejudice, so he was prejudiced to decipher other people's psychic stories. In the end, his "relatively peaceful way" to himself brought himself an infinite nightmare, locked-in syndrome.

I also have no faith, so I don’t know how the Bible interprets suicide. Suicide also has the word “kill”. Murdering oneself is also killing, so I have to bear the consequences of “killing”. After seeing the priest, giving a shot of his father's hat, had to make me think this way.

3. Sitting and watching doing evil and being indifferent is doing evil

The film does not explain what happened to the two children who were violent to him in childhood, and it does not matter. He is kind and cowardly, tormented by conscience. The whole movie has made it all too clear, he would have been experiencing similar nightmares until he died of brain death, and each nightmare would eventually be executed by Callahan to push him back to reality. At that time, he said: "No, don't do it again", this sentence was very painful, and it was very scary to think about it.

4. Is there a ghost

According to the development of the plot in the photo, it is very suitable for domestic release, there is no ghost, right?

One day, looking back on your life, if you feel the same as the protagonist before your death, people with a conscience, would you still choose to do that when something you feel guilty about happens?

Well... something in my mouth woke me up...

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Ghost Stories quotes

  • Tony Matthews: You'll think I'm mad.

  • Mike Priddle: You ever killed anything?

    Professor Goodman: Certainly not.

    Mike Priddle: Nothing you'll admit to, eh?