The bizarre adventure of Sima Nan's little fan~

Arne 2022-11-30 19:01:36

Okay, this one can.

The story is super simple. It is a wonderful adventure of a child who watched the 19th episode of "I Love My Family" and became madly infatuated with Sima Nan, thus becoming the successor of "breaking superstitions". (fog)

Of course, the ending came with a super twist...

It is estimated that everyone has seen a lot of horror films like this one after another, Thailand's "Three Ghosts" and "Ghost Five Abuses", the three episodes of "Deadly Video" in the United States, and two of Hong Kong's "Li Bihua Ghost Series" Tonight~Wait. Basically it's a routine - from real to virtual, interlocking, and gradually deepening.

The movie starts with 3 stories. But different from the conventional gameplay, "Ghost Story" gave up the ins and outs of Rory's wordy. Three common paranormal phenomena are cleverly chosen—the lights behind him go out while walking; the feeling that someone is staring at him in the forest; the premonition of the death of relatives and friends—to make the audience feel the same. Don't say you haven't met, we are all like-minded people who watch horror movies every day and think about seeing ghosts. The so-called often walking by the river~ You must have experienced one or two of these small phenomena.

This is actually quite accurate. When we recall a horror movie, what we can often remember is just a few scary moments and the big reversal of the ending in seconds. For example, the moment when my brother in "Chainsaw" stood up, has been a wonderful bridge for horror fans for many years.

And this is exactly in line with the concept of "peak-end rule". If you want the audience to remember it, and recommend it to your friends when you go out, the easiest way is to have a few jump scares, and then flip the table at the end ~ live together. And at the same time scary, if it can be connected with the daily life of the audience again, and let the audience think, "Hey, hey, I seem to have encountered this once", it will be perfect.

Of course, the most important thing is that the better the front paving is, the easier the back reversal will be, and the more memorable it will be! It's like the end of the movie is reversed! It's's really easy to guess...

Brother, you ended up in the hospital again. Really, it seems that domestic horror movies don't do this recently, right?

That's fine. After all, we've watched a lot of horror movies, and we know a lot of routines. Occasionally, there are a few endings that can be guessed and nothing to be proud of. After all, the process is still pleasing to the eye~ I didn't expect that there is a small link in the middle. Let me see the "rewind" this kind of local stunt. If there is no Douyin Kuaishou, I can still say that the Hong Kong horror films in the 1990s are in the same line, but now... How can I go back to the circle...

Therefore, what I like about this "Ghost Story" is the part before the big reveal. Those ghostly experiences that seem familiar, the pursuit journey that is full of unknowns all the time, and the grimace that suddenly jumped out at no time, are more moving than the ending~

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Ghost Stories quotes

  • Tony Matthews: You'll think I'm mad.

  • Mike Priddle: You ever killed anything?

    Professor Goodman: Certainly not.

    Mike Priddle: Nothing you'll admit to, eh?