A breath of fresh air in a horror movie

Elda 2022-11-24 17:53:45

In fact, at the beginning, you will feel that this is not like the tone of a horror movie, at least it will not be a B-grade movie because the movie is quiet and soothing as a whole. The scene of Chao Ye watching the snow flying outside the floor-to-ceiling window is the most suitable description⬇️ (This paragraph 's BGM is also appropriately expressed) Just looking at the desolation of this frame will have the illusion of a literary film

Entering the theme of the story is when the professor asks Goodman to investigate 3 cases. Goodman is a meaningful name, just like Trueman played by Jim Carry (you will feel the limitation of Chinese translation at this time) or Freeman (Chao Ye) who was rescued. The Freeman is also a coincidence)

The first two cases of the story are also the usual horror movie scenes, which are shocking and endless black. However, the western ghosts are really unsatisfactory in terms of visual effects. Once they appear, there is no sense of horror at all. Ugly is ugly. Horror is horror. These are two completely different concepts. Ugly looks may frighten or cause physical discomfort, but horror should come from a deeper part of the psyche. Instead, some static scenes are really panicking and terrifying.

For example, the cup that appeared at the door in Story 1⬇️

Parents in Story 2⬇️

The Muppets in Story 3⬇️

From Child's Play's "The Ghosts" series to Dead Silence's "Dead Silence" to Annabelle's "Annabelle", the humanoid doll is horrified at the sight of it

The 3rd story begins to flow into fantasy. This is when you start solving puzzles in your mind. Entering into an unbearable childhood memory

Goodman, who is haunted by childhood events, has always been haunted by the death of his friend. He is not a bully. He is also a bully. But facing the same bully, although he tried to stop or save him, he was always powerless, but he blamed himself whether he was a Goodman or not. If not, why does the uneasy conscience end up dead?

After the memory, Goodman was lying on the hospital bed. At this time, we suddenly realized that it was the plot of Stay's "Life and Death", so we really looked into it, but the third story was the most illogical because the previous stories were all too logical. Neither a dream nor a near-death experience can have such a complete story Only the 3rd story of "messy" gets the essence

Stay (2005) is a classic near-death experience and has luxurious casts such as 10000 and High Commander. In fact, Stay had Dead End before (2003) "Dead End" is just a small-budget independent film that does not have a bright cast (Although the mother in the play later acted as a psychic in "The Conjuring") and the storytelling based on what she saw was displayed in The Fall (2006) "Falling" starring Li Peipei.

But this movie has its own unique excellence

For example, although the composition is gloomy, it is fresh and beautiful. It is a refreshing flow in horror movies.

like british humor

In fact, this dialogue is a bit intimidating. I remember when I was a child, I was very afraid of doing elevators alone, but if it was two people, I would think how can I know if the person next to me is the person?

Is the shit better or not at all?

Money to trade

I don't know if it was related to the theater performance before, so the actors in the movie sometimes talk to the audience Can we cut? This detail is very British humor

Such as some of the recurring details of the plastic bag Rifkind's pronunciation of the plastic bag, the way the phone kills himself, the window...

Chao Ye's words are philosophical and also indicate that the answer will be revealed at the end of our movie⬇️

The last key...windows is the problem that has been bothering me throughout the whole movie. I don't know why the headless recurring and the ending gives a good explanation ⬇️

PS The movie also pays tribute to Hitchcock ⬇️ Norman is the hero of Hitchcock's Psycho "Psycho"

such as some philosophical lines

We have to be very careful what we believe in.

The idea of ​​us and our loved ones dying just ceasing to exist is so awful that we'll believe anything which give us hope that there might be something beyond. (This is probably the longest sentence in English I've ever seen in a movie)

The brain sees what it wants to see. This is the central sentence of the whole movie

Why is it always the last key that unlocks everything?

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Ghost Stories quotes

  • Tony Matthews: You'll think I'm mad.

  • Mike Priddle: You ever killed anything?

    Professor Goodman: Certainly not.

    Mike Priddle: Nothing you'll admit to, eh?