Jackie My Boy!

Arvilla 2022-09-07 03:34:23

Vin Diesel is so interesting, a criminal, a defendant, a drug dealer, a ganster or a ganstie? He loves his family, his brother, the fell, neighbor he grew up with, but he cheats on his wife at the same time. Xixi, one root, lack of education... So many elements gathered in him, what an abrupt person! But when accuser, lawer asked him to betray his brothers, he insisted on his position of never be a rat as always, and acted as his own lawyer in this long trial, defending himself, always follow his heart, Started to make the jury laugh, made his gansters think he was a clown, and gradually made them believe in themselves, moved by themselves, how stupid and so sincere. Jackie are a really Italian ganster. If there is any spirit in these Italian gangs that we admire, then Jackie shows us this amirable temperament. In addition, the prosecutor's lawyer, in terms of accent, appearance, demeanor, movement, and eyes, are so fucking similar to Michael Douglas in "Wall Street"!

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Find Me Guilty quotes

  • Giacomo 'Fat Jack' DiNorscio: Send me to jail. I'm not guilty, but I'm used to it.

  • [repeated line]

    Giacomo 'Fat Jack' DiNorscio: I fell.