Wash away the lead, and eventually become cotton wool in the wind.

Taya 2022-03-26 09:01:10

Illusionist (France, UK/2010), the 274th film/film review of the year, directed by the famous French animation director Sylvie Human, the film is a tribute to Jacques Tati, Tati Titi is also the name of the magician in the film, and the external image and temperament of the magician in the film are completely consistent with Tati himself. The old magician, who was buried in the backstage by the cheers of rock stars and mad fans at the beginning, is completely unaware that he has become a member of the future. After a setback in prosperous Paris, France, Tati brought his rabbits, pigeons and other salutes to London to try his luck, but he also received various cold receptions at theaters and private garden parties. As a last resort, he traveled all the way to a small town in Scotland, where he met an innocent and lovely little girl, and their fates have also changed since then... "The Magician" is a melancholy and sad tone. Animated films, the story mainly took place around the 1950s, which was an era of endless new things. When magician Tati returns to the city with the girl, he expects his magic to be recognized like everything else in small Scottish towns. It's a pity that it didn't happen, and those "outdated" old tricks of his are still not needed in the bustling metropolis. In the end, the old magician and the girl gradually became estranged, the magician was still busy with life, and the little girl was no longer attached to him. The grown-up girl finally found a girl who was similar to her age. boy. On a rainy day, the old magician let go of the fat rabbit who was always biting him. This time, the rabbit stopped biting him and watched the magician drifting away reluctantly. Finally, the old magician left a letter, then left the room where he and the girl lived together, and got on the long-distance train. In the dead of night, he was left alone to look at the blurry night scene outside the car window, and left at this time. The platform when I came is getting farther and farther... The magician does not exist, because what the magician casts on the girl is only the father's love that has been owed for too long; the magician does not exist, because no matter how good magic is, it will never change Time with family; the magician doesn't exist, there's just a lonely old man running around for a living. Perhaps the real magician only exists in the flowing time, with ruthless hands grabbing our ears, leaving people nowhere to hide. Children always ask their parents, because the parents at the time looked like magicians who could conjure gifts. And when the parents who are getting old can no longer give, the magician of life will eventually change the parents away in a hurry before we can turn back, and never look back. There is no magic in the world, and 3D and special effects are not magic either , and Tati, who carves time with his heart, will be the real magician in heaven; there is no magic in the world, and Syravi Human, who has a heart with Tati, uses hand-painted pure animation to present a real magic Timeless magic. 【Score: 9.5 points/10 points】

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