Can the past determine the future?

Crystal 2022-03-27 09:01:14

Can the past determine the future? If you ask this question out of thin air, most people's answer is probably "not necessarily". In such an impermanent and changing world, what happened in the past may not necessarily determine the future.

Just like the poor students in the past, they are not necessarily losers in society. The richest man in the past may not always be the richest man, the poverty of the past may not always be able to turn over, and the displacement of the past may not always mean that there will never be a happy future.

It's a pity that "Boy A" only prepared a depressing answer to this question. The wrong past determined that the boy Jacky had no future.

Eric, who killed a little girl as an accomplice as a child, took a new name Jacky after years of prison life, re-entered society, and decided to start over. When he finally won love and friendship with his kindness and simplicity, the cruel society reopened the scars of the past. In an instant, Jacky was abandoned by everyone and went to the sea alone with tears.

The ending is sad and depressing. Our society is often like this, killing people invisibly. Although Jacky wants to say goodbye to the past completely, forget the past, and start over, sadly, at the moment when this past happened, it was not only printed in Jacky's individual memory, but also in the collective memory of the entire society.

Forgetting not only requires individual forgetting, but also needs to wash away all collective memories. How to wash? It is still up to the individual, with a strong heart, to survive and rewrite himself.

It's a pity that Jacky in the film is too simple. The ego that grew up in the prison environment is too weak. Finally, he can't bear the blow of betrayal and separation from friends, and his inner world completely collapses. If Jacky had a strong inner world, completely understood the essence of himself, and didn't care much about other people's opinions and evaluations, the ending would not be like this.

Finally, let’s talk about the evil of language. Language and words are always stretched in the expression of the real world. A simple “murderer” shields the vividness, kindness and simplicity of countless real human nature. And the same simple "murderer" gave an invisible knife to countless people who didn't understand the reality, and unreasonably projected people's assumptions about the word "murderer" on real individuals like Jacky. .

In the end, as an accomplice, he completed the cruel strangulation of simple individuals in this society.

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Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.