The real ending is sad.

Camryn 2022-09-06 00:26:59

Generally speaking, the film has a big brain hole and low investment are the main two points. The whole shooting scene is not much, it all depends on the actors' acting and plot. I actually like this kind of film.

Then let's talk about its shortcomings. Although I know that the director and screenwriter have great brains, many things need to be at least a little clear.

Then let's talk about the conjecture of the overall content:

1: Judging from the content of the film, it is some kind of 'creature' that causes infinite reincarnation, and that creature is tangible, or at least visible (when it wants you to see it). Likewise, as a creature it is alive and thinking. So, can the creature be killed? Will killing him end the cycle? unknown.

2: The beginning of the movie starts with the videotape bought by the younger brother, so here is a question, where did the videotape come from? If you can't get out of the reincarnation area, how did the videotape come out? If the videotape came out from the inside, does that mean that the two brothers were actually outside at the beginning of the movie?

3: Continuing on, if the two of them didn't come out, how did the younger brother grow up? And if they didn't come out, how did the brother lose his memory? This can be seen from what the madman said to his brother. The madman said that he once told his brother when he was a child, leave here and don't come back. So if my brother didn't have amnesia, why did he go back? He should know everything inside.

4: It can be seen from the film that people killed by monsters can retain their memories. People who commit suicide have no memory. This can be seen in the part about the poisonous man with a gun and his friend, they burn themselves to death, and then they start repeating from the very first meeting. And it can also be seen from this that the time of this reincarnation is actually very long, because they have said that it has been several weeks since the detoxification. Know that every time they kill themselves, everything starts from scratch. So this cycle is very long. But there is another bug here, that is, the madman who hanged himself committed suicide, so why does the madman keep his memory?

5: After that, I have to talk about the person in the tent, why the person’s reincarnation is so short, the reason should be this, although the cycle of this reincarnation is very long, but the personal reincarnation is from the time you enter the reincarnation field to the end of the reincarnation. started. That is to say, the person in the tent caught up with the monster when he first entered and started to reset the reincarnation field, so his reincarnation was so short. As a result, he couldn't get out of the tent.

6: Combining the above points, I make the following bold guesses.

The two brothers actually escaped here in the early years, and then came back here because of the videotape. This is a normal period of time. The proof is that they were in the normal world, with psychiatrists, lots of other people in the park, and lots of other people driving even on the highway.

Of course, unless this monster has the ability to affect the whole world, it is impossible at this time, because if it is true, then its existence should be known to the whole world. But one thing, this monster may not have a way to affect the world, but no one said that this monster can't move, just like what the camp leader said, maybe he is there, but our retinas can't see it. So the videotape was probably sent to the younger brother by the monster. Look carefully at the beginning of the movie, the parcel fell to the ground out of thin air, and then the younger brother opened the door, but did not see the postman. Not even the sound of the postman knocking on the door. The elder brother said that the younger brother spent the money for the power supply to buy the videotape. In fact, this is wrong. The younger brother did not buy the videotape. He should have bought the video recorder. So it's weird when the younger brother sees the older brother's text message, because obviously it's not the power supply.

After that, the two brothers came to the camp, and everything started from here. I won't mention the process during the period. Let's talk about the ending. The seemingly open ending is actually wrong. The two brothers did not escape, but fell into the field of reincarnation, and their results may be miserable, just like the people in the tent. Their reincarnation cycle is very short, which is why they can be like what my brother said, the car is almost out of gas, but my brother said that it has always been like this and can drive all the time. It means that before their car was completely out of gas and could not move, they started reincarnation again.

The elder brother said that the younger brother knew it, indicating that both of them knew the current situation. The elder brother thought that the younger brother did not know, so he said that he was out of gas, but the younger brother said that it has always been like this. The elder brother smiled, it seems that you understand. Combined with the iconic flock of birds and the moon that once again turned into a crescent in the sky, it can be regarded as a fairly clear indication. They will always go down this road.

The most conclusive evidence for the above conclusion is this:

At 105 points, slow down and you can see that their car is actually on fire and broken. It seems that the two of them rushed out of the barrier of the reincarnation field, but they didn't, but smashed into pieces, just like those little birds, and then returned to a certain point on the road to continue driving, and then smashed again, again and again. They just kept their memories.

Some people may say that it wasn't a crash, it was just their performance when they escaped from the barrier, but the answer can be found in the movie. We can see in the RV that the reincarnation field is actually divided into regions, just like a hood will One area is covered. But when going out from the boundary of an area, nothing will happen. My brother has crossed the barrier many times. It is nothing more than that after walking out of the barrier, the people inside the barrier can't see the people outside the barrier.

So it's not an open ending, and the movie isn't a seamless reincarnation, it's just a story of how two brothers get caught up in reincarnation, like a drug addict and his friend. From then on, the two brothers were like people in a tent, in a short period of reincarnation, the painful reincarnation of which they could not break free.

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The Endless quotes

  • Unknown: We never anticipate the ways we're gonna isolate ourselves from the ones we care about.

  • Hal: Can you have power over yourself if you give up any amount of authority to something else?