
Eduardo 2022-11-06 23:42:43

From the technical version of the doping plan of the steroid experiment in the Tour de France, to the doping scandals such as the Sochi Winter Olympics through the former anti-doping bosses in Russia, and then directly pointing to the Russian government's doping system, anti-doping Organizations have been fooled, and competition has become a means of consolidating political power. It is not impossible whether the extension can be extrapolated to other industries and other countries. Unrecognizable under political and economic interests, games and deception under double thinking and morality have become common qualities. , What you need to boycott is a person, an industry, a country? Or have you participated in various organizations and forms of yourself?

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Icarus quotes

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involves the use of doublethink. I was doing in parallel two things which cancelled out each other and being fully contradictory. Doping and anti-doping.

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: He wrote book. It is dangerous to write book in Russia.