I also want five little fairies like this

Garret 2022-10-24 11:16:55

After being watched by Weibo Amway, it is really heartwarming and warm. Five reality shows where gays save otaku straight men. They are good at cultural and psychological counseling, interior decoration design, gourmet cooking, clothing matching, beauty salons, and quilting. The transformed protagonist improves from the inside out. It is not purely a preaching, but a rigid change. It is to make the original self better. Many introverted people who are not confident and introverted are thrown away in front of the five chatty and cheerful fairies. Open the shackles and become more and more confident and sunny. Sometimes it is only a slight modification to their appearance, but the constant praise has a great effect, so even if you don’t praise others, don’t slander them maliciously. eh, although some trolls won't change at all

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