build the world

Constantin 2022-03-26 09:01:09

1. The first Ceylon, can't find "Town", because once apon... watch this.

2. I am trying to understand Jia Zhangke's love for Ceylon, the so-called "poetry of cinema". The first shot I understood, the stained glass window, through the zoom to show the characters in the window. [If you shoot people directly, it will be very lifelike. Ceylon is like this, which is poetic. The poetry of seeing people through a layer of glass. 】

3. Panorama or distant view seems to be more poetic. The other person under the lens is very similar to whoever is in your life, but it is not him. Movie subtitles: Once Upon a Time in Anatolia.

4. Driving in the dark, the camera has always been a huge long-range view, but the content of the characters' speech is close to the ear; this is very unconventional, the tradition will definitely cut the close-up soon, and it took a long time to cut it here in Ceylon.

5. Everyone is talking, but the person in the middle of the picture is silent, pushing the camera, his identity must be different from these people. [In the movie, you can choose the object you portray across everything. 】

6. In just a few words, I cut back to the big vision.

7. It seems that there has been no soundtrack. The soundtrack can bring people to focus on one of the many emotions in the picture; but there is a shot of the soundtrack, which is not very poetic.

8. "It's raining in Idberg."

"Come down."

"It's been raining for centuries, and it's not that bad."

Back to the camera, wheat field, push. [At this moment, it suddenly feels very deep. 】

9. Things began to become absurd, even a little fantasy, everyone lost the direction of the corpse, and even lost the direction of life; at this time, looking for the corpse became a symbol of "searching", and the actual meaning gradually disappeared; while the implied meaning gradually emerges. [On the surface, it is a very simple story of looking for a corpse, but if you don't look carefully at the latter layer, you will definitely not be able to see it. In fact, you only need to use a very simple setting "such as looking for a corpse". Actions, words to construct the implicit meaning behind it, like "Where are we going." "There is a gate to hell" and so on.

10. Let’s talk about the meaning, let’s talk about the reality; it’s more charming than simply talking about the hidden meaning behind it, and digging it all at once brings us back to reality.

11. Conversation again, from the child to "We are alive, but have nothing." Having switched wildly between metaphysics and reality, Ceylon's skills are profound.

12. Very interesting yellow-green light, very sharp; very strange front and back hits, the characters in the back hit form part of the shadow that blocks the screen in the foreground.

13. The backs of the two and the sound of leaves rustling in the dark night. Ceylon is creating a kind of the kind of world in the old tower "Stalker", this kind of world is constructed by image + language, I was completely brought into it, and I was shocked. [It is said to be Asia Minor; but it is neither today, nor the past, nor even the future; it is a combination of ancient and modern. 】

14. The soldier said to the prosecutor: "We have been walking along the political border." [Meaning that we have been on the edge of civilization, so close to civilization, but never reachable. 】

15. Prosecutor: "The butcher was thinking about meat, the lamb was thinking about knives, and he's been worrying about district boundaries. Look at him! He's counting miles impatiently."

16. Water is definitely an important image, apples drifting along the creek. [I still think this film is related to "Stalker", and there are also floating objects in the water. 】

17. If you want cigarettes, the doctor just saves people and doesn't care about anything else; the police just control and serve the power.

18. From dusk to complete darkness, the headlights still flashed faintly on the mountain roads, groggy, and the road ahead was unknown.

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