a little feeling

Darby 2022-10-16 17:25:24

It turned out that the American imperialists, who advocated individual heroism, also advocated the value of "the cycle of heaven and retribution".

Those who do bad things will encounter danger when they turn around; the thief will be kneeled down by the dog and begging; those who run away will definitely be arrested by the justice police.

Is it Christian teaching? Such words are full of curiosity about Christianity.

Learn about first aid

Don't move after you've been injured, because there are things you can't see that can kill you if you move. For example, the episode of the Asian-faced actor's car accident.

Call 911 immediately after observing the situation, time is life. Yes, I completely remember the number 911 now, but what should I call in China?

Learn about psychological compensation

Not only the firefighters, the police, and ordinary people who face various emergencies every day are equally thrilling. But most people are unable to regulate psychological trauma. Some people are addicted to alcohol, drugs, and sex. The plot points out that you must accept the bad you in the past in order to have a new life.

The most important thing is that life is so fucked up every day, but we still have to find something good to give ourselves hope.

When the policewoman turned 50, her gay husband announced that he had come out of the closet and asked for a divorce. She was humiliated by her husband because she couldn't accept the facts, and she also met a young girl who committed suicide. It seems that the past life is a joke, but in order to protect her daughter, you must be strong and wise.

Young firefighter Buck has a sex addiction and even has sex on his first meeting with a psychiatrist. But I still hope to find spiritual communication and liberate my lonely soul.

The captain blames himself for drinking alcohol every day because of the death of a loved one, but hopes to be redeemed by saving lives.

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