we are all fools

Gregorio 2022-09-13 15:53:11

The Wings of Icarus represent false sustenance, and perhaps there is another meaning, loss of control is the ultimate destiny of all magic weapons.

Here, it represents the vain pursuit of the national pride that people have given to the Olympic gold medal, representation, technology - the runaway of the magic weapon of "drugs to enhance athleticism"...

A documentary has a strong sense of anti-terrorist film. In addition to exposing a horrific state-level crime, most of it is sensitive in subject matter and mixed with a strong political game.

Watching half of the filming is amazing, this is how documentaries should be filmed! Not only is the director trying his own way, but more importantly, the filming process is completely unpredictable and the direction of the record is completely unpredictable.

I just saw the end, but I have to wonder if this is another conspiracy? Especially the clever use of 1984.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

There are there steps in your reintegration, there is learning, there is understanding, there is acceptance.

The documentary portrays Gregory, the former director of the Russian Anti-Doping Laboratory, into a righteous exposer, and his escape also allows us to prove that all the vested interests of the system will be swallowed up when the system collapses. In a totalitarian world, the conspiracy of institutions to form a community of interests is full of lies, and it is difficult to break through. These pretenders have double-think, two contradictory thoughts at the same time, believing that both are correct. Even if you know it's a lie, you will believe it. This is also one of the important points of George Orwell in 1984.

I have to wonder why this documentary is going this way. Its targets are more and more directed at Russia. Although I have an attitude of watching the fun with me, I can't help but think about it a step further. If I investigate further, I am afraid that None of them did not lie.

Are there any countries that have not used banned drugs? Which banned drugs have been used? No moths in the international surveillance system? Why is the seemingly tight Swiss vial cracked by Russia alone? ... If we continue to extend the whole chain... I am afraid that the Olympic Games, the highest-level human sports event that advocates fair competition, mutual understanding, friendship and unity, will be a human farce beyond recognition...

If this film was originally a conspiracy, a game between the United States and Russia, it wanted to tell us how terrifying the existence of 1984, and its purpose was achieved, because I already knew it when I was politically enlightened five years ago. 1984 is not far from me.

But Brave New World?

the truth?

It's better to be silly.

And what kind of historical turning point we are at, probably only people who are thousands of years later are qualified to judge.

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Extended Reading

Icarus quotes

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involves the use of doublethink. I was doing in parallel two things which cancelled out each other and being fully contradictory. Doping and anti-doping.

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: He wrote book. It is dangerous to write book in Russia.