Episode 9

Estefania 2022-03-27 09:01:21

This person is carrying a backpack, is there a device in this backpack, and then after it is activated in this place, it can be accepted and controlled by a specific person or some equipment, and then the two worlds can be merged, or the world A can be destroyed ?
But I really didn't expect that this is the ninth episode. I always thought it was a melodrama with human nature at its core, but it suddenly became so exciting...

There is a phenomenon that many other races in the B world, such as Indians, Black people, and World A is rare. Does that mean that after the run-off, 500 million people died, and most of the people who died were European and American people? Then the population of Europe and the United States has shrunk, and they can only accept a large number of foreigners?

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