Reality Projection in 1984

Crystal 2022-12-18 17:06:50

What's interesting about this movie is that it has dramatic changes up and down. Explain that reality is more absurd than imagined. Maybe he just wanted to justify the use of doping in the sports world in the first place. How to avoid every drug test. So he came to the experiment to test the results after taking the drug and the loopholes in the drug testing system. With him was Grigory Rodchenkov, director of the Russian Anti-Doping Laboratory. Through a year of experiments, he proved that only with the guidance of professionals. Passing a drug test is easy. But then it took a nosedive. How is Russia a big winner as German TV reveals doping documentary? Put Grigory on the table. In this case, after he fled to the United States, he instead exposed the drugs of the Russian national system to the sun. If you hadn't seen this documentary, it would be really hard to imagine that the intelligence department of the national sports department joined forces to replace all the AB model bottles. It's like something out of a spy movie. Dress up as building contractors, cleaning staff, etc., through some means of disguise, to transfer samples. After the facts are exposed, they have been verified by a third-party authority. Undoubtedly.
In the second half of the film, the structural words in "1984" are repeatedly quoted, "in a world full of lies, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary action", three stages, learning, understanding, accepting, to illustrate that freedom is enslavement. To be honest, 1984 is used to tell the lies and absurdities of the authoritarian politics of this story. However, there are a lot of them that are a bit deliberate and not very natural. Icarus is a figure in Greek mythology, wax sticks to the feathers, because he flew too high, was melted by the sun, and finally fell. Perhaps this also means that athletes who use doping, especially systematically. One day it will fall from the altar. In the movie, it was mentioned that China used to be the country that produced the most domestic steroids, and the quality was very high. The whole world used stimulants produced in China. China didn't stop production until the Beijing Olympics. I don't know if it's happy or sad.

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Icarus quotes

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involves the use of doublethink. I was doing in parallel two things which cancelled out each other and being fully contradictory. Doping and anti-doping.

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: He wrote book. It is dangerous to write book in Russia.