The prisoner's ghost takes revenge on the world, and intends to control the world to imprison the world...

Rosemary 2022-03-25 09:01:14

I read the gun version, the translation is called a rotten... The effect is that the prisoner's ghost takes revenge on the world, and intends to control the world to be imprisoned in a cell...
In 1953, the girl Elise and her younger brother lived with their parents at 414 Apple Street, New Mexico An apartment, which used to be a prison, where many prisoners were tortured to death by electric chairs and became unjust ghosts. These ghosts have the same desire as they did in their lifetimes—that is, longing for a key,—a key to open the cage...
Before the ghost escaped from the cage, he incarnated as a child, often seducing the Elise sister and brother in the middle of the night, but violently Li's father didn't believe in ghosts at all. After beating Elise, he locked Elise in the basement as punishment... Elise was in the dark basement, and was lured by Li ghost to open a door with a key. After the door opened, Li Gui came out of the cage and quickly possessed Elise... Hearing Elise's screams, the kind mother ran into the basement, but was quickly strangled by Li Gui with a wire...
After that, Li Gui used his own tragic way to die. Taking revenge on the world, controlling Elise's father spiritually, driving him to imprison each girl, and finally killing the girls cruelly... When Elise was 16 years old, she accidentally saw Anna, the girl imprisoned by her father, because she had had enough Elise ran away from home because of her father's rudeness...
In 2010, Elise, who has become an old lady, had a tragic childhood experience of encountering ghosts, so she started a psychic career aiming to help others get in touch with ghosts... ...On this day, Elise received a call from Ted Corsa, who claimed to live at 414 Apple Avenue, New Mexico, which was Elise's former home, and who often felt ghosts at night, hope she Can help him solve it...
Elise brought her two assistants, Tucker and Mane, to her former home in New Mexico. While trying to hunt a ghost, she accidentally found her brother's lost whistle... In town, Elise Accidentally met his younger brother and his two daughters, Emigen and Melissa... What
happened to Xhosa was the same as Elise's father. Accidentally found the girl who was imprisoned by Xhosa; and Xhosa saw that his crime was exposed, and wanted to kill with a gun. Fortunately, Manez killed Xhosa...
The police took Elise and the three to the police station to record the case... And Emigen and Melissa followed their father to Xhosa's house to find the former whistle, but something unfortunate happened, and the ghost here will turn into the finger of the key Inserted into Melissa's chest, Melissa's soul was taken away...
In order to save Melissa, Emigen stayed at Xhosa's house with Elise, trying to retrieve Melissa's soul... Elise In a ventilation shaft, many relic suitcases of imprisoned and dead women were found in a ventilation shaft. When these suitcases were opened, Elise's soul was taken away by the ghost...
To save Melissa and Elise, Emigen was in Tucker's house. With help, the soul leaves the shell and meets Anna's soul; under Anna's guidance, Emigen walks into a red door, where the souls of Melissa, Elise and others are imprisoned... In the crisis of fighting the Specter, Emigen Liz blew the whistle, and the spirit of her mother appeared, driving the Specter away...

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Extended Reading

Insidious: The Last Key quotes

  • Elise Rainier: I'm going to get the attention of all the spirits in this house. I need things that were important to Garza. Specs, go upstairs. There is a bible he held very dear to him. It was a red, King James version; I need you to find it. Take Imogen with you.

    Specs: Okay.

    Elise Rainier: And do not let her out of your sight.

    Specs: I won't.

    [Specs and Imogen head upstairs]

    Elise Rainier: Tucker and I are going down to the fallout shelter.

    Tucker: What- I get the death chamber and he gets bible camp with the most beautiful girl on earth? That's not a democracy.

    Elise Rainier: You're the only one I trust to go down there with me.

    Tucker: [under his breath as he follows Elise] Don't patronize me woman.

  • [first lines]

    Prison Officer: Lights Out!