People need to eat more good things, so that they will taste more delicious things.

Aaliyah 2022-03-25 09:01:16

The movie is more fragrant than the stills, and it is also fuller than the thin plot introduction. Intersecting linear narrative, Yakusho Koji's food color, Miyamoto Nobuko's single mother ramen master, Okada Moliko's "correct" way of eating pasta, Hashizuo Gong's "little brother with a bag is a real gourmet", disguised Cheng University professor cheated and was seriously ill after finishing the last supper. Masahiko Tsugawa's tactile female thief said one by one that the movie is very anime-like, and the highlights are everywhere.

I have always liked Itami Thirteen. This time, it attracted me from the very beginning. The truck driver was actually a food connoisseur. From the attitude of welcoming customers to the quality of service to the atmosphere of the noodle restaurant, he made judgments everywhere. Yamazaki Nu's words said that Japanese service is also good The service points of the restaurant: pay attention to the needs of diners, pay attention to the reactions of diners, and remember the tastes and preferences of all diners, that is, customer-oriented, the service industry is to serve people, and the happiest chef is probably his diners. I got the delicious taste and enjoyment from it, and then I gave the brush and ink from the noodle soup, cooking noodles, time control, stealing the teacher, and I liked the part of stealing the teacher. I went to ask the noodles, pretended to be a diners, and then set the porcelain step by step. , was stolen to the practice and suddenly realized, wonderful. The role change is also very subtle. As a chef, he does not allow the diners' doubts to be reasonable. As a fake diners, he does not let go of a single detail. Common sense.

The role played by Koji Yakusho is a character I like very much. Watching the movie, you have to hold your breath and flirt with no sloppy flirting. It pays attention to ingredients and makes the best use of everything. It is very subtle. I can see the traces of beauty's reference, but the scene design is very fragrant and sexy, and it is not in vain to have a sexy, gentle and affectionate female companion.

My favorite part of the haenyeo, in fact, any details of the film can be included in my top 100 wonderful moments, but that part is really too... People who are numb all over, can't control their emotions, the real sultry is invisible

In the last wild boar hunting, the lines are a little contrived, but it expresses the director's intention just right. Those beautiful moments when I get along with you are the moments when we taste delicious food together.

Okada Moliko's western food teacher, who originally taught housewives how to eat spaghetti, was given the first month by an out-of-the-ordinary foreigner. Sometimes it is necessary to give up those rules and regulations, and even give up the so-called "eating appearance" to focus on the food to taste the delicious food. I have seen people who cut hamburgers with a dining knife, and I have also seen roast beef. I am afraid of eating ugly. Yes, looking at it like that, I really have no appetite, and eating needs appetite most, which is desire, and lack of thinking. This is the correct way to taste delicious food.

All the way people went to high-end restaurants to taste the special seafood. The little brother who carried the bag was clumsy and was reprimanded by the boss. As a result, when everyone opened the menu, it was all in French. I also liked this design. Going the way, after the first person ordered flounder, broth and beer, everyone followed suit. Instead, it was the younger brother who carried the bag. Not only did he casually tell the inauguration history of the restaurant chef, but the main and side dishes were praised by the waiter. He also opened a bottle of 81-year-old Cognac. Heh, everyone's face turned red with embarrassment. Among them, the boss was the head of Yu Sheng, the daughter of the supermarket who had just finished watching it.

Miyamoto Nobuko and Yamazaki asked for help from the teacher, but they didn't think that the teacher was poor and beggar. Although he was still a gourmet, his appearance was really unsightly. Miyamoto Nobuko was suspicious of the teacher and everyone at first, but he didn't expect many beggars to speak. , When it comes to food, the whole person's expression has changed. It seems that all suffering no longer exists and tasting delicious food is the source of happiness, so probably everyone can be a gourmet, but this is not decisive. The son proposed to eat omelette rice , one of the beggars volunteered, he seemed to be sneaking, his face and body were dirty, but a good cook, if his hands were clean, other places would be fine. He quickly fried rice and fried eggs, and the eggs were called As for the level, I have seen the video of Japanese omurice before. The egg seems to be dry on the outside. With a knife, the egg liquid inside comes out, and the toppings are poured over it. It was just right, although the ingredients and kitchen utensils were stolen, but when the security came in for inspection, there was only a scent and no food, which was also the skill of the cook.

A group of people gathered together to go to the ramen shop to eat. An old man shouted in front and back, guarding the Dharma from left to right. He was repeatedly reminded by his wife that he was forbidden to eat a bowl of noodles. Noodles, tempura soba noodles or red bean paste, they are the same. At first, they were restrained. Later, they couldn't help the temptation of delicious food. Zhuang, turned the old man over, and the clerk used something like a vacuum cleaner to suck out the rice cake, saving the old man's life.

Masahiko Tsugawa is in the night supermarket, and the euphemistic name of the supervisor is actually a housekeeper. An old lady, well-dressed, but she pinched and pinched the food. At first, she thought it was sabotage. Later, she realized that this is called stealing touch. Remember what the female cook in "Ratatouille" said? "How to judge good bread? It's not eating, not smelling, but listening. Listening to the sound of fingers pressing on the crust of bread, good bread, the sound will be very pleasant." Her evil deeds made the old lady look terrified, as if someone had stolen her secret.

Masahiko Jinchuan went to eat roast duck, an old man with a thin face, who seemed to be deceived when talking about business, the "liar" called the old man "stupid", but unexpectedly his wallet was stolen at this time, who is the stupid? But at this moment, the old man was arrested by the police who had been guarding him, but he begged bitterly to eat another piece of duck sandwich... Not only is he dominated by the delicious taste, but it is indeed a market style painting, using only a few Several shots outline the love of food in Japan and even all mankind. Eating is king, and other things seem to be less important.

The old policeman was caught, but he was almost knocked down by the man who was running away. The man's wife was dying. After returning home, even if she said anything, she couldn't cheer her up. Instead, she said "I'm hungry, cook". Immediately wake up, turn on the stove and cook, although the plot arrangement is a little tricky, but it is not an exaggeration to think that many housewives only think of how tired, sleepy and sick their husbands and children will be for dinner, and they wake up and start the stove. The women fell down and died, and the men and children cried and ate the "Last Supper" of their wives and mothers (a brain hole, why the men are so strong and the women are so thin...probably why the women are so weak... There's no reason to die.

In the end, タンポポ finally got out of the apprenticeship. After passing the test of everyone, not only the shop, but also his own dress was completely new. He also dated Yamazaki Nuo for a while. Although Yamazaki was already tempted, he realized that タンポポ did not need him or went on the road, and his son was no longer The weak child who was beaten by three children in the rain, even before they knew each other, became friends with three people. Here Yamazaki worked hard and played the role of father. boy has a lesson

The content of the film is substantial and there are many pointers, but it uses the western way to depict a picture of the Japanese people's foodie style. The food color is also wonderful.

In the end, I remembered the words of Jiro Ono in the god of sushi, "If you want to become a cook, your sense of taste is at least better than that of your diners, and if you want to improve your sense of taste and eat more delicious food, you can grow develop more taste buds and have the ability to taste delicious food", American proverb "you are what you eat"

So don't be stingy with money, don't worry about weight, don't be afraid of image, if you can't accept food honestly, then it's really over

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Tampopo quotes

  • Man in White Suit: I'll kill you if you make that noise once the movie starts! Understand? And... I also don't like watch alarms going off.

  • Student of ramen eating: [voiceover] One fine day... I went out with an old man. He's studied noodles for 40 years. He was showing me the right way to eat them.

    Student of ramen eating: Master... soup first or noodles first?

    Old gentleman: First, observe the whole bowl.

    Student of ramen eating: Yes, sir.

    Old gentleman: Appreciate its gestalt. Savor the aromas. Jewels of fat glittering on the surface. Shinachiku roots shining. Seaweed slowly sinking. Spring onions floating. Concentrate on the three pork slices. They play the key role, but stay modestly hidden. First caress the surface with the chopstick tips.

    Student of ramen eating: What for?

    Old gentleman: To express affection.

    Student of ramen eating: I see.

    Old gentleman: Then poke the pork.

    Student of ramen eating: Eat the pork first?

    Old gentleman: No. Just touch it. Caress it with the chopstick tips. Gently pick it up and dip it into the soup on the right of the bowl. What's important here is to apologize to the pork by saying "see you soon." Finally, start eating-the noodles first. Oh, at this time, while slurping the noodles, look at the pork.

    Student of ramen eating: Yes.

    Old gentleman: Eye it affectionately.

    Student of ramen eating: [voiceover] The old man bit some shinachiku root and chewed it awhile. Then he took some noodles. Still chewing noodles, he took some more shinachiku. Then he sipped some soup. Three times. He sat up, sighed, picked up one slice of pork-as if making a major decision in life-and lightly tapped it on the side of the bowl.

    Student of ramen eating: What for?

    Old gentleman: To drain it. That's all.