'Insidious' quartet general review and fourth film review - fortunately, this is the end

Kacie 2022-03-25 09:01:14

"Hidden 1" stills

This is the first time I have commented on a horror movie. After all, I have watched a lot of domestic horror movies pretending to be crazy and foolish. I always feel that no matter how bad the foreign ones are, at least they can’t deceive people with madness. It is also the first time to comment on the hidden series. It is the first time to comment on a horror movie. If you want to comment on your preferences, you have to mention the first two when mentioning the latent series, especially the second one has always occupied a commanding height in my horror movie list. As two closely related two parts, few horror films can do the second one better than the first one. For example, the second part of the "Silent Hill" series can only be powerless under the horror framework of the first part. It's just a patchwork, very helpless, I can clearly remember the causal relationship and horror setting of the first part and the development of the story but I can't remember what happened in the second part. After all, horror movies also need to have a soul, and they also need to be brilliant The plot of the story, it is very necessary to have its own world view framework, and the causal relationship and background settings of the first part are shocking enough, and I personally think that the highlight of "Silent Hill" lies in its horror character design. Certainly, each setting reflects the evil consequences of the character's life, including the way the villain died later was the best revenge for the evildoer, and mocked the shamelessness and sin of the cult. Horror characters have a lot more connotations. The horror boss character of this movie can be said to be one of the most flesh-and-blood horror movie characters. Of course, this is another topic, and you can also post a detailed explanation. Going back to the "Hidden" series, the second part of the hidden film further builds a horror film worldview framework on the basis of the first one, explains some of the mysteries of the first part, and further develops the storyline in the first part to a perfect ending. If the first part still has a lot of foreshadowing, so that the scary places are not enough or the horror characters are not scary enough, then the second part can be said to be worthy of the huge foreshadowing made by the first part, the whole process is high-energy, the first part The horror space frame system is perfect and has created two quite successful horror characters. The horror of these two horror characters is definitely not only in their modeling, in fact, the background stories of their lives are scary enough, and the two have completely A person with a distorted personality is of course not a fuel-efficient lamp after death. After all, the so-called ghost movie is also about a cause and effect. The cause and the effect after death, so I personally think that the most basic thing for any ghost horror movie is to construct a scary enough movie. People's life story environment and the character setting of horror characters, and the two big bosses in "Hidden 2" are really far more terrifying than the first part as a foreshadowing in terms of modeling or character background explanation.

"Hidden 2" stills
"Hidden 2" stills

Of course, it is obvious from these two films that director Wen Ziren had a complete two-part story from the very beginning, otherwise he would not be able to achieve such a strong logical connection anyway. The amount of information conveyed in the second part is quite considerable, not only explaining the cause of the whole story, but also explaining some of the strange phenomena that appeared in the first part, and in the second half of the second part, the first part of the second part is explained. After explaining, there is no such logical problem in the whole movie. It can be seen that the script itself is quite sincere and standard. I will open a special article to discuss the details of the echoes in the two films later. These two films best show Wen Ziren's level or the strong coordination of editing and sound effects. As we all know, it is not difficult to shape the horror of the character's appearance, but how to make this character appear in the most unexpected and frightening way for the audience is quite a test. Yes, obviously the first two parts of this series, especially the second one, have done it. These horror characters will always appear in the way that stimulates your adrenal hormones the most, making you have to worry about watching the movie, but you don't dare to watch it. It is far more advanced than simply relying on blood or special effects makeup to scare you. The test of visual and auditory is also quite large. This movie can make you sweat in the sun. Later, after I rewatched it, After knowing when and how scary, I can't find that feeling for the first time. Of course, the two films had a good advantage back then. Not a single IQ fell off the chain in the setting of the characters, especially the grandma in the film can be said to be smart herself. , Even the helpless male protagonist who doesn't believe in the existence of ghosts in any case also gave the setting of inner resistance caused by the shadow of childhood. After all, in the past, most of the horror movies were characters who wanted to die, and in most of the movies, you had to be undistorted. Once it was distorted, it was difficult to get the audience's approval, and relying on IQ disconnected characters to promote the development of the story The movie didn't get much acclaim either.

"Hidden 2" stills
"Hidden 2" stills

In fact, the biggest controversy about the second part is why the demon will disappear after defeating the mother of demons, and the simultaneous appearance of the demon and the mother of demons also means that there is an inevitable connection between the two. Personally, I think there are only two explanations for this: 1. The mother of demons is a separate grievance spirit who has always been with the demons and appeared with the appearance of the demons. 2. The mother of the devil is actually the devil's inner demon, which is the root of the devil's sin. To understand this topic, we have to understand what kind of worldview framework the first two parts of this series have worked so hard to construct, and in the latent series, a terrifying world similar to the underworld has been constructed. This world is not the earth, not Hades, let alone heaven, if it were Hades, there would not be so many inextricable connections with Yang. It can be said that this world is occupied by many resentful spirits. They are unwilling to go to hell, let alone go to heaven, but they have been wandering in this world, trying to occupy a suitable host to return to the earth, and huge resentment. And their obsession with Yang Shi made them stay in this weird world. The connection point between these resentful spirits and the mortal world is the body of these people who can leave the body. When the souls of these people leave the body, the body is equivalent to a door, causing the resentment spirits to occupy, and allowing resentful spirits to live in the mortal world. haunt. Just imagine, the body without soul and death is not the existence between yin and yang, and the horror world in the movie is originally attached to the existence of the earth, and it happens that the male protagonist and his son are out of body constitutions. And the most bizarre thing about this world is the confusion of time and space. You can go to any possible time or space in this world, and it seems that the soul of the undead can have a little effect on the world, and even this world has a more powerful effect. , you can even reach the heart of the devil or the source of evil, the place that these doors can reach is simply the limit of the brain hole.

Now I will deny the possibility of the first hypothesis, because the first to the third part have demons in the horror world, but there is no mother of demons, even if the third demon is defeated by the psychic grandma. There has been a mother of demons, and it makes no sense to say that they are two accompanying individuals, and it is completely impossible to explain why defeating the mother of demons defeats the demons, and there is another problem, and all other attempts to compete People in the body of the earth are different, the mother of demons has never wanted to occupy someone else's body in the past. Moreover, the deceased will have the appearance of the age before her death. The appearance of the mother of demons is exactly what she used to reprimand the childhood demons, which proves that if she is a resentful spirit, it can only mean that she died at that point in time, proving that he was the first The one who kills is the mother of demons. But off-topic, it's possible that the mother of demons was actually killed by demons, and a scene in the last scene where she stands with all the slain brides seems to imply that. Personally, I support the statement that the mother of demons is actually the materialization of demons, because this statement can support more details. First of all, he came to the world with the devil, and his inner demon naturally had a reason to appear, and the play of the mother of demons abusing childhood demons also showed the source of his sins in this life, so his inner demon appeared in the dress of that day. No problem. And according to the "Hidden" series, it is the resentment in their hearts that keeps the resentful spirits lingering, and for this demon, his resentment happens to be his mother. I mentioned earlier that this weird world has a function, you can go where you want to go under certain circumstances, and in the end, they traveled through time to the place where the childhood male lead showed the way - the root of all this - the devil childhood The shadow of the child, and what appeared later was the childhood demon and his mother performing the drama of the day of abuse, and all the energy of the devil's resentment came from this. It can be said that he has been imprisoned by this resentment as a child. A lifetime of sin, after all, it is impossible for the souls of two demons, one big and one small, to exist, and that childhood demon and the mother of demons are the embodiment of the demon's huge resentment. So when the psychic frees the childhood demon and kills the demon mother, the demon's resentment also falls apart, because the root of all this no longer exists, the distorted childhood is liberated, and all sins have no basis. Naturally, the mother of demons who is not a resentful spirit does not need a host, and there is another reason to support this statement. Since the appearance of the mother of demons, she has basically never said anything except the dialogue that happened on the day of abuse, except in the residence of the demon before her death. The lines, even the phrase "I am the mother of demons" in the residence before his death is in the text It is expressed in the form of characters, and the resentful spirits in the world view of this movie have their own thoughts, which are definitely different from the form of the mother of demons. And the only part that can be called a line is the dialogue with the devil, but this further supports the statement that this is his inner demon, and even in the room where the devil was alive, it is actually still performing the drama of the day of abuse, because There is also the place where evil takes place. In fact, there is still a small question about this movie, which is why the mother of demons and the demon talked about killing everyone and you can get a complete resurrection. It may be a hint in the devil's heart, just like he has murdered for many years. , are all the effects of inner demons, and it may also be to absorb yang energy, haha, welcome advice on this point.

"Hidden 2" stills
"Hidden 2" stills

Personally, I don’t think this controversy about the mother of demons can be regarded as a flaw in the movie, because this is a point that the movie is very good to avoid. I am more inclined to deliberately set it up by the director, causing reverie or controversial topics. After all, about such a movie, it is This topic is the most discussed topic, and what impresses me to a large extent is because it is not a question of creative standards. It is far more interesting to let you speciously think about the answer than to tell you directly. I think the first two movies can be rated close to 8 points together, and it is not an exaggeration to compare them with 8.5 points in horror movies.

"Hidden 3" stills

Now let's comment on the third part. Compared with the first two parts, the third part immediately became a cliché. Compared with the deep impression of the first two parts, the third part did not give me any specific impression, nor did it feel amazing at all. In fact, this kind of decline is predictable. When the two films have completely told a specific story, and even built a complete world framework, there is really no need to add another story. Facts have proved that ordinary prequels cannot avoid the fate of quality collapse. After all, most of the prequel films are forcibly produced after seeing commercial success, and they also fail half in terms of motivation and creative state, and they also lack the quality of painstaking polishing. , with an excessive commercial atmosphere, not to mention changing the director to shoot. The biggest problem with this film I personally think is that it is "not profound" and has no texture, and it is too mediocre in any aspect. First of all, it forcibly used the world framework of the first two films, in order to avoid the same as the first two films because of the emergence of demons because of the out-of-body physique, and forcibly let the heroine's soul become unstable because of a car accident, the demons have a chance to take advantage, and the fact It proves that the world frame of this movie has not only not expanded or added more elements on the basis of the first two films, but instead has been greatly reduced, almost simply reduced to the normal setting of the underworld and the world, and the first two films have become unrestrained. The bold setting was lost, the time-space chaos setting that was brilliant before is almost gone, and the echoing scenes of the two worlds that are similar to the brilliant two worlds no longer exist. Secondly, the setting of the story itself has also been reduced to the old-fashioned theme of accidentally provoking the devil in order to contact the deceased relatives. It can be said that this film lacking Wen Ziren's director lacks the soul, and just embarrassingly uses a The body lacks its own characteristics and highlights, nor does it have that unique personal atmosphere. And on the basis of the creepy villains portrayed in the first two films, the villains of this film are thin and boring, that is, there is no brilliant setting before death, nor a strong sense of resentment after death. The entire production line, compared to the perverted duo set up in the first two films, the villain of this film does not have its own characteristics, but is simply reduced to a scary tool. If the red-faced ghost in the first film is just for The second part is a little foreshadowing, and the villain of the third part is too unconvincing. Originally, from two villains into one, you need to portray better. And this whole movie is going on without success in an assembly line, it has been on the road of becoming a cliché, and the sound effect is also a thousand miles backward. In the end, it is not convincing to use the mother from heaven to sing about maternal love. The next logical embarrassment, and still the same problem ——It's too thin, the plot can't hold up at all, and the amount of information is a lot less than the previous two. This movie can't be considered a failure, but it's not a pass compared to the first two excellent films. If there is any bright spot, it can only be said that the psychic grandma, whose IQ is not dropped, played the heroine and fulfilled her mission as expected. She also explained the passage in the first part that the demon scolded the psychic. The festival between the demon and the psychic grandma in the first and second parts is logically closer to the first two parts.

In fact, I personally think that the "Ledding" series is really the leader in horror movies. Even if the latter two are not as brilliant as the first two, they are actually of a certain level. It is definitely not the Waterloo of "Silent Hill 2" relative to the first. 3 and 4 as the prequels of 1 and 2 are also different in style from the previous two, and the quality is basically the same as the first two and the latter two. I will mainly talk about the shortcomings. In fact, I was very much looking forward to the fourth part. On the one hand, it was because of the series itself, and another reason was that the stills were attractive enough. I mentioned earlier that 1 and 2 have created a bizarre horror world, in this world you can have all unexpected things happen to all unexpected time and space, the villain in the fourth stills is a man with fingers The wraiths on various keys are similar to the setting of the master key, and they have to be reminiscent of a lot in the framework of the horror world of this series. I originally thought that the main creator would take a good look at this villain and pick up the big frame of the first two films, and give full play to the role of the key of this resentful spirit in the horror world, and reach more strange time and space, but in fact it is In the end, I didn't see the function of these keys, and they were completely wasted; what's more deadly is that not only this key setting that looks the most brilliant has no effect, but the whole villain's setting only stays in the body, which Almost the most soulless character of all the horror characters in the entire series, like the red-faced ghost in the first part, but I said earlier that the red-faced ghost in the first part is just a foreshadowing not as a big one in this one. The villain setting. The villain in this movie not only has no account of the origin of his life, but also does not see any special skills, nor does he know any motivation, and even every time he appears, there is nothing scary about it. The scary places are almost not related to this villain. I even think the scene where the childhood psychic and her brother are in the room at the beginning of the movie is the most scary, because the sound effect is not off the chain, and it is enough to make you lift your heart. The later scenes are somewhat cliché or not good enough. For example, when opening the suitcases, it is obvious that scary scenes will emerge. In particular, this villain has almost only the function of scary appearance. I mentioned that the success of the second part is absolutely inseparable from her portrayal of the villain, both before and after life. In addition to the unsuccessful villain setting, the horror world of this movie is also reduced to chicken help, which is no different from the normal underworld setting, and it does not explain the function of those keys after opening the door. The scene where the not-so-smart psychic grandma and her childhood were in the same horror world still makes me I miss the first two more brilliant similar butt sequences, because in the front of the movie, the childhood psychic grandma rolled her eyes and traveled to another world without leaving any suspense, unlike the sudden sound of the door ling and In the second part, the childhood male protagonist guides the way in the middle and the door opens automatically. At the beginning, these clips left people with questions waiting to be answered later. Moreover, in addition to the main villain in the previous films, there are some other resentful characters to enrich the horror world system. This movie completely relies on an unsuccessful villain to prop up the whole other world, and the result is of course boring and very boring. , the look and feel is also greatly reduced.

"Insidious 4" stills

In fact, it is very pleasing to choose this movie based on the story frame. The story goes back to the psychic grandma herself. This old past has a strange sense of heaviness, and it happened in the most lovable character in the whole series. , of course, will make the audience increase their curiosity and want to know what has happened to this character who has made it easy for others along the way. However, there are a series of problems in the logic of this movie. Many characters have unreasonable motives and unclear explanations; and the reversal of the plot is not polished enough to give people a very abrupt feeling, whether it is the transformation of the characters or the truth. The transformation of the film has not been refined and polished. The whole film does not have a strong main frame, and it has become the slowest and most climax of the film. The way to defeat the boss in the end is also full of loopholes. This movie is also intended to praise a mother's love. Let me not mention the question of whether the mother's way of defeating the villain is too simple. The first half of this movie's star psychic has improved in the first half of the ability, but it has become the weakest setting in the entire series. Ding, as if to summon the mother to save her daughter, but the line setting after their meeting was too unsuccessful, except for the psychic grandma who played Lin Shaye, almost nothing was seen. It is also unbelievable that the state of the mother who died when she was young after meeting to save her daughter after more than half a century would not be presented in the movie. This aspect is completely unresonable. And the lack of characters makes the film too thin, and the fact that the psychic grandma always revolves around makes the film almost become a big heroine.

"Insidious 4" stills

Except for a few good scenes, this movie still continues one of the advantages of the series - it has a connection with several other movies, and the appearance of the little boy family in the last two movies also means that the movie is completely connected. The timeline of the first part, that is, 3, 4, 1, 2 according to the time, is equivalent to the end of this part. After all, it is not easy to make a reasonable connection in this order. The timeline has been completely completed in this series. There is really no need to make a new movie in one fell swoop, after all, Jiang Lang's talent and exhaustion have already appeared. When I have time, I will briefly talk about the plots of the four parts in chronological order at the beginning of the article. At the end of the article, I will put a screenshot of the first two protagonists of the fourth part, Xiao Zhengtai.

"Insidious 4" stills

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sKQYIDqXZ1Wo-MDI9ShTVg

View more about Insidious: The Last Key reviews

Extended Reading

Insidious: The Last Key quotes

  • Elise Rainier: I'm going to get the attention of all the spirits in this house. I need things that were important to Garza. Specs, go upstairs. There is a bible he held very dear to him. It was a red, King James version; I need you to find it. Take Imogen with you.

    Specs: Okay.

    Elise Rainier: And do not let her out of your sight.

    Specs: I won't.

    [Specs and Imogen head upstairs]

    Elise Rainier: Tucker and I are going down to the fallout shelter.

    Tucker: What- I get the death chamber and he gets bible camp with the most beautiful girl on earth? That's not a democracy.

    Elise Rainier: You're the only one I trust to go down there with me.

    Tucker: [under his breath as he follows Elise] Don't patronize me woman.

  • [first lines]

    Prison Officer: Lights Out!