I do not want to grow up

Sidney 2022-03-26 09:01:09

About not wanting to face the world after growing up

It's not actually a well-written story, messy dialogue, weird plot, but somehow resonates

Does everyone go through a period of time

Wandering in "Knowing that I urgently need to change, but I am unable to act. I am afraid of leaving my comfort zone, I am afraid of hurting people, I am afraid of finding what I want, so I can't make various choices."

Procrastination is an escape, an escape from all bad outcomes.

Every "Laggy" wants not to grow up because it seems we still have time to forgive ourselves

Probably only those who have stepped on the second will understand the feeling

For Megan, the passion for life is limited to prom. After a few years of ups and downs, she was willing to go crazy for love again this time.

Cheating is not the right thing to do, but perhaps it is a process of changing your life. Who can be sure that she can be truly happy under the emotional constraints of morality?

Instead, I envy Megan's courage.

How much courage does it take to say goodbye to a circle that was important to her in the past?

We all sense that something has changed, but lack the courage to expose it.

In fact, life is very short, you can only do what makes you happy is no regret.

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Extended Reading

Laggies quotes

  • Bethany: What does she expect?

    Megan: That you serve some lemonade, and you ask her five to ten questions about her life.

    Bethany: [pause] Treat somebody badly enough you just assume they'll be happy to let you go.

  • Annika: [approaching her in parking lot] You look like you party.

    Megan: I... guess I'm technically coming from one.

    Annika: Cool. So... we can hardly believe this, but we all forgot our IDs. And I mean, normally we would just go buy some beer ourselves. But I guess we look under 21. Which is crazy, right? I know. Um, so, if we gave you some money or something, would you help us straighten this whole problem out and buy us a six-pack or something?

    Megan: Oh, God.

    Annika: Um, you could totally keep the change.

    Megan: [stunned] Okay. Someone did this for me when I was your age, so I'm gonna do it for you. It's like a rite of passage, right?

    Annika: Yeah. Yeah, ya know, I had a good feeling about you.

    Megan: That makes one of us.