Chariots of Fire: Exercise and Fitness Regain Confidence in White America

Thalia 2022-03-25 09:01:10

The film is set in post-World War I Britain, when British society was suffering from the agonizing impact of the First World War. This is exactly the same as the American society devastated by the Vietnam War. After suffering multiple blows at home and abroad, the white elite society in the United States is in need of some ways to improve their self-confidence and restore their glorious image.

So they chose sports, especially the Olympic Games, which symbolize peace. The protagonist, Harold, is a Jewish Cambridge student. Not only versatile, but also constantly hoping to break through himself. Although this made him extremely aggressive, it also made him favored by beautiful female singers. The other male protagonist is Scottish Ellie, a white male who runs for God. As a devout Puritan, faith gave him infinite strength and motivation. Allow him to constantly surpass himself and challenge new peaks.

To be honest, this Chariot of Fire does not make people feel that there is much color, but by depicting the pious Eli and the Jewish Harold, he strongly expresses the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon model. At the same time, the movie also shows all the time that the white people who are the chosen ones can get the protection of God. There is no doubt that this movie, in terms of material and characters, as well as the timing of its release, is very convenient. That's why, undisputedly, he won the Best Picture Oscar in 1982.

The first is the subject matter, 1980 happened to be the year of the Olympics. Due to opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, a large number of Western countries boycotted the games held in the socialist country. Athletes from the United States and Europe with Olympic dreams, although they fought against this national behavior, eventually succumbed to the oppression of national ideology. Especially in the United States, even athletes participating in private capacity are not allowed. This led to the film, which was released in the United States, and the US government hopes to use this award to express some compensation for these young people with dreams. And publicize and promote the social status of athletes.

The second is the character design. Around the 1920s in the background of the film, European countries gradually stepped up their anti-Semitic cause. Although Catholicism has existed for as many years, Europe has persecuted Jews for as many years. So Harold in the film not only challenged and broke the 700-year-old running record held by Cambridge University, but also won the Olympic men's 100-meter championship in one fell swoop in order to prove that the Jews are not inferior races. This positive portrayal of the oppressed, the minority. I believe that in the United States at that time, it played a role in encouraging and inspiring minorities who were discriminated and oppressed. Moreover, Harold won an upright victory under the rules, and also played a positive guiding role in order to avoid the intensifying ethnic conflict in his country.

Another protagonist, Ai Li, is a Scottish priest born in China. He also has a Chinese name called Li Airui. This devout missionary died tragically in a Japanese concentration camp at the age of 43, which is truly embarrassing. But his life can be called short and brilliant. Not only did he become a revolutionary martyr recognized by the Chinese government, he also broke the Olympic record in the men's 400m in 1924. The film's positive portrayal of this legendary figure actually has a double meaning. On the one hand, I hope to use the setting that although he is a Puritan, he did not discriminate against the Jewish Hadrow. To guide what was already somewhat out of control at the time, belief discrimination and conflict. On the other hand, I hope to use his experience as a missionary in China to call on more European and American progressives to go to red China and bring the advanced civilization and ideas of the West to this seemingly " backward and closed" country.

The United States officially recognized one China in 1978 and established diplomatic relations in 1979. In this film, the protagonist Aili is mentioned many times, and he wants to follow his sister and go to China to spread the glory of the Lord. In fact, this can be understood as the goodwill of European and American filmmakers, hoping to help China get out of the economic difficulties. Since 1899, the United States has regarded mainland China as the most strategic country and region in the Western Pacific. Therefore, this film is also improving the image of China, which has been demonized for a long time, to audiences in Europe and the United States.

Finally, the restoration of white self-confidence, which is actually a propaganda method inherited from "Rocky". On the one hand, it is to restore the unconfidence of the American people due to the defeat of the Vietnam War. On the other hand, after the unprecedented development of material civilization, more and more mental illnesses are being dealt with. Under the leadership of the U.S. government, I hope everyone can use fitness and exercise to strengthen their bodies and let everyone find their spiritual sustenance. During the same period, "First Blood", "Terminator", "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Star Wars" and "Die Hard" all cultivated a large number of white tough guys, which also made fitness and sports more and more white elite accepted. This not only helped the American elite society to gradually get rid of the nightmare brought about by the Vietnam War. It also restored their self-confidence and eventually survived the collapse of the Soviet Union. Laid a solid foundation.

The promotion of sports movies is still in its infancy in China. With the continuous deepening of the strategy of Chinese culture going out, this kind of film that enhances national self-esteem and boosts national self-confidence. It needs to keep emerging so that the inferiority complex towards white people can be reversed. I hope that as a filmmaker, I can seize the opportunity and polish up a few suitable films.

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Chariots of Fire quotes

  • Harold M. Abrahams: Gentlemen, you yearn for victory just as I do. But achieved with the apparent effortlessness of gods. Yours are the archaic values of the prep-school playground. You deceive no one but yourselves. I believe in the pursuit of excellence - and I'll carry the future with me.

  • Lord Birkenhead: You Americans have a number of men who are rated as world-beaters; but, this contest is in Europe, not in the rarefied climes of the United States.