Is there a C world?

Sherwood 2022-03-26 09:01:14

When I saw the seventh episode, the issue of mobile phones was indeed a difficult thing to understand, so I suddenly thought of this episode, they said that the world is suddenly self-replicating, so it is impossible, there is still another world , that is, the C world?
And Baldwin is actually from the C world, so the mobile phones used by the agents in the C world are more advanced than those two worlds...
and a little more.
No one in world A knows this secret
in world B. Some people in world B know this secret
, but in the first episode, these agents were able to yell at the police, obviously because their level was much higher than them, and they did not avoid other police when they spoke. .
Maybe in the C world, this is already a semi-open secret, and it is even more likely that the original plague was actually launched by them?

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