Loveless Journey (film review, Нелюбовь)

Teagan 2022-03-27 09:01:21

Continue to recommend the excellent work of "Chong Ao", this time it is the nominated film for "Best Foreign Language Film" - "No Love to Complain".

Russian film "Нелюбовь" (No Love to Vote)

Type of work: Drama

Main cast: Maryana Spivak (the missing boy's mother Zhenya), Aleksey Rozin (the boy's father Boris), Matvey Novikov (the boy Alyosha), Marina Vasileva (Boris' lover Masha), Andris Keiss (Zhenya's wealthy businessman boyfriend Anton) )

Story overview: A series of dignified reflections brought about by the runaway of a child from a damaged family

Release Date: Released in Russia on June 1, 2017

Andrey Zvyagintsev, the leading figure among Russian Mesozoic directors, once again swept the major film festivals in Europe and America with his (connotation) masterpiece, and returned with a great reputation. "No Love to Tell", as the name suggests, is a really cold work about "No Love to Find".

In the next time, the author will combine the plot, trace the origin, and find the causes and roots behind "Loveless".

I, Alyosha's Loveless Journey

plot segment

Alyosha, the central character of the film, has only a handful of appearances, but this child is the fermenting point of the whole story. Let's look at three scenarios

①Going home alone after school, his eyes are melancholy

②Prepare homework alone and keep silent

③Hiding behind the toilet door alone, crying

The three scenes at the beginning of the opening allow the audience to clearly understand Alyosha's personality (loneliness, confusion, vulnerability), and it also logically lays the groundwork for a series of subsequent events... Tired of endless quarrels After that, Alyosha left this icy place and chose to run away and never look back...

The author thinks

①The child is innocent. As a minor, as a child whose body and mind are still in the growth stage, the family (parents) is his (her) only support

②The child can only choose to escape. In the face of the reality that no one can rely on, there is only one way for children to choose, and that is "escape" - to stay away from the place full of painful memories, to escape the trauma of reality, to close their hearts, and to choose never-ending loneliness

③ Children are always the only victims of broken families. When the parent and the mother each establish a new direction of life, the child becomes a burden, discarded at will, uneducated, and becomes the ultimate fate of abandoning the child

II, Zhenya's Loveless Journey

plot segment

Zhenya, one of the protagonists of the film, Alyosha's mother, an irresponsible, materialistic woman. see three scenes

①Frankly said "I don't like my son Alyosha". lack of maternal love

② During the restaurant meal, flirt with the rich businessman's boyfriend. frivolous

③ The first reaction to seeing the boy's body, blame Boris. irresponsible

Zhenya's life track before Alyosha disappeared:

Divorce -> unwilling to take on the obligation of raising her son -> ignoring the needs of the child and starting a new relationship with a wealthy businessman

After the disappearance of Alyosha, Zhenya's life trajectory:

Finding Son with Boris —> Hopes Are Lost, Alyosha Is Dead —> Forget the Past and Move to a New Life

The author thinks

①What causes Zhenya to be so irresponsible? Even at the expense of giving up his own flesh and blood?

Are you dissatisfied with her husband's cheating? ! Are you uneasy about the status quo of your marriage? ! Or the heart that is unwilling to keep its peace? !

②How much damage did Zhenya's actions cause to Alyosha's heart?

Alyosha's departure is largely due to Zhenya's indifference and indifference to him. When a child needs help most, his mother responds with cold eyes and harsh words. With such a cold and decisive answer, who doesn't feel chilled? !

③ Zhenya's mental illness

The insatiable greed for material life, the love of the new and the old for men, and the indifference to the son. Is such a mental state normal for a woman and a mother? Isn't living a life of money worship a pathological condition? ! Isn't it a pathological condition to be carnival? ! Abandoning husband and child is not a disease? !

III, Boris's Loveless Journey

plot segment

Boris, a scumbag, Alyosha's father, lives with his lover Masha (who is pregnant). Continue to watch three episodes

①When he broke up with Zhenya, he was unwilling to undertake the obligation of raising Alyosha (his reaction was exactly the same as Zhenya, it was a "perfect match" - a scumbag with a scumbag). ruthless

② When his lover Masha asked him if he would leave her in the future (after having a child) because he didn't like the child, Boris kept silent. tacit

③ Do not want others to declare their chaotic private life, because it will affect their career. hypocritical

Alyosha's disappearance seems to have no effect on Boris. The work continues, the flirtation continues, and the life continues, worthy of being "cold as frost".

The author thinks

①What do scumbags rely on to capture the hearts of girls?

Sweet words, bright appearance, lies and deceit, veteran lover!

②Why did Boris treat his children and ex-wife so indifferently?

a. Dissatisfaction with ex-wife

b, the weakness of one's own nature (playboy)

c, does not like children by nature

③Is there any difference between Boris and Zhenya?

Essentially, the two are very similar.

a, you only know how to care for yourself, but don’t know how to care for each other, even your own children are dispensable

b, are all greedy for the world. Obsessed with material desires, sexual desires, and greed

c. Always be self-centered and lack the qualities of a parent

The "loveless journey" of the three people is doomed to the child's tragic ending, and it also indicates that Zhenya and Boris can never get out of this "loveless" vicious circle (life can continue, but the memory cannot be reset). Just like the two freeze-frame pictures at the beginning of the work (sparsely populated, snow-covered dead trees, stumps) and at the end of the film (empty, dusty room), "Loveless" wrapped in the atmosphere of "Loveless" suable", which is suffocating and depressing.

Director ★★★★★ (Andrey Zvyagintsev, another masterpiece after Leviathan)

Actor ★★★★☆ (The male and female protagonists are average, but the child's acting is very real, although it is only a few minutes)

Plot ★★★★☆ (Loveless, as the name suggests, really didn't feel the breath of "love", this lonely and depressing atmosphere was the ultimate)

Visual effects ★★★★★ (perfect, loneliness emanates from every frame)

Sound effects ★★★★★ (seems to hear Maozi's "depression black", amazing aura)

Recommendation ★★★★☆ (Okio's work, not to be missed)

More movie reviews and recommendations will be published on the WeChat public account " The Journey of Floyd and Helen", thank you

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Extended Reading

Loveless quotes

  • Zhenya: I think I've made a terrible mistake.