Moved??? Can't give up
sometimes the fantasy is better left alive.
He would sometimes wear a tuxedo to do manual labor, he had this kind of magical quality that all genuine poets and artists have this magical quality of his and many poets and artists to elevate things. To get above the mundane, the prosaic. The essence of it transcends the mundane and the mundane.
Mortals are everywhere, and artists are pioneers. the artist is the pioneer. Even if his musical hope were dashed, the spirit remained. And he just had to keep finding a place, refining the process. He just had to keep finding his place. of how to apply himself Refine and refine the process of realizing self-worth. He knew that there was something more. He knew that life was more than that.
-Are you surprised that the album doesn't sell?
- This is the music industry so there are no guarantees.
It's the music business so there's no guarantees.
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