Tired of thriller routines

Monroe 2022-11-06 21:26:58

The routine of all thrillers is that the protagonists in them never understand the situation, especially when foreign countries are so open, they can hold wooden warehouses, and the common people are not alert at all. If the protagonist reacts immediately, fights hard, and finally fails, then the quality of the film can be improved a lot. So, instead of making such a cliché movie where you don't work hard, you will be more successful if you work hard and still fail, this sense of despair.

Of course, when it comes to this film, it is not to say that the audience opens the perspective of God and then scolds the protagonists for how stupid they are. But the product of culture, not eating and ML, is simple and repetitive, and I really can't eat it.

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Extended Reading

Mom and Dad quotes

  • Josh Ryan: Grandpa, don't kill my dad!

    Mel Ryan: [briefly stops] There's my piss and vinegar!

  • Kendall Ryan: [as Brent bandages her gunshot] You got a gun? Another thing for your midlife crisis? What was the combination?

    Brent Ryan: Josh's birthday.

    [cut to Josh solving the combination]