like an angel, disappearing in the dark

Chris 2022-03-25 09:01:11

Sexual, physical and emotional violence can cause children to be too frightened, and it is easy to cause children to lose all identification with their own identity, and instead become the identity of the perpetrator. For example, a person who experienced domestic violence as a child is very likely to become a criminal in adulthood.

The experience of the two protagonists in the film is exactly the above reaction. Childhood trauma may accompany a person for a lifetime.

Neil and Brian are the embodiment of "evil" and "good" respectively. Neil was mentally abnormal when he was a child. He bumped into the intimate scene between his mother and other people. At this time, he had already gone into a misunderstanding. The family environment has a significant impact on the growth of children, which is why so many people ask questions on the Internet "how much does the family affect a person", "the impact of parental divorce on children"....

Psychological depression in childhood always It will have a very serious impact on their mentality for life.

Some people will say, "Children, how can there be so many differences between good and evil? They just play with their hearts and grow up."

However, children can also be demons. Improper education methods are likely to make a child have bad consciousness and develop bad habits.

There are such examples in life: a child is born in the palm of his parents' favor, showing off his power at home, and no one can cure him.

His grandfather, a man who likes to force others, does not allow others to refute him, and often quarrels with his wife.

His grandmother, hardworking and grumpy. Dote on the grandson in every possible way, front and back.

His mother is also a face-saving perfectionist and a fiery, irritable woman, while his father and him are years away.

In such a family environment, he gradually became the "overlord" in the eyes of a relative, but the "weak" on campus. He's got a hint of a perfectionist at a very young age, so when he's incapable, he'll be rowdy, bicker with his parents, and cry, blame, get angry about unfinished business, and even put that Give up or destroy things or things that are not done well.

But why does he respect his teachers and classmates so much? Why are you cowering on campus instead?

Of course, Neil was just a kid. Have not yet formed their own three views. When the coach gives Neil something he doesn't get, it's easy for him to trust him. There was trust, and with Neil's own character, everything went smoothly.
Neil thought it was a man's love for a man (himself), but that was just his wishful thinking and self-righteousness. He thought he was an adult, but he was still a child.

Neil had forgotten about Brian when he grew up, and Brian was just a passer-by in his childhood. His grown-up self-indulgence contrasts sharply with Brian's search.

Another protagonist, Brian, is the "good" side. The two clues of the two people in the film are intertwined to form a time and space line, and the chaotic time line makes the story more spatial.

Brian is struggling to find the truth of his dream. A fictional alien UFO is set up here, so that Brian thinks he has seen aliens. His fear, fear, puzzlement, and confusion all come from "UFO" (self-confidence).

Whenever he tried to recall that lost time and space, he would get a nosebleed. It's very similar to "The Butterfly Effect", which made me a little excited.

He was forced into the dirty world of coaches, and everything happened in his "dream", which made him a good young man until he knew the truth.

At the end of the film, the two teenagers wash away the dust from each other. The image of Brian leaning on Neil's lap made me think of the scene where Neil leaned on Wendy's lap, quiet and tender.

In the end, Neil said they flew in the sky like two angels, and then disappeared from the world. Just in line with the coach's praise of Neil's "angel".

I like the ending of this movie the most, there is a rancid sofa in the dark, there are two teenagers on the sofa, their lives are connected to each other, they come from the dark night, they console each other, they don't mention those false comforts words, they disappeared from the darkness.

The final shady scene symbolizes two people coming from the dark night and going from the dark night. Only the warmth on the sofa proves that they have seen the world that gave them malice.

The title of the film is "Mysterious Skin". Skin: At first I thought it meant that the coach put his ear on the stomach of young Neil. Later, I thought it should be Neil and Brian hugging each other. When Brian went crazy, Neil touched Touching his ears and hair, he consoled and begged for forgiveness.

The film is intertwined with light and dark, and the plot is strong and powerful. There are many close-ups of the boys' eyes and faces, or anxiety, or anxiety, or confusion, or joy, or evil.

Another thing that strikes me about this movie is that it uses the narration of the two to promote the development of the plot, which is a complete voice-activated benefit!

The cool tones in the Halloween section make people shudder, and the shadowy figure the little boy sees is a nightmare in his life.

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Mysterious Skin quotes

  • Wendy: I can't believe I'm finally getting out of this fucking nowhere town!

  • Eric: I got a postcard from Wendy.

    Neil: I think she's mad at me because I owe her like 3 letters.

    Eric: Yeah, her last P.S. is "Tell Fuckface to write me."