Play a good game of chess for your best self

Robb 2022-03-26 09:01:14

old man
and the old man

"Relative Universe", from the name, the u pattern of this play is very large, but it actually focuses on a point in the protagonist to explain the concept of parallel universe.

In a parallel universe, we have many different selves, who are just like us, but have different lives than ours.

So, which one is the best?

The protagonist in the film, Howard Silk, is an old man with a half-hundred annual meeting. He works for a government agency. He has been conscientious for 29 years, but he has always been a small employee and has never been promoted. Although he is also annoyed by this, he has learned to accept it.

At the beginning, the old man Howard played Go with the young man. The old man was defeated.

I can only use my butt to know that the old man must have let the water go. The scene of the national Go player playing chess with the emperor appeared in front of me. How can I see a person's Go level? It is not how to win but how to lose!

The loser can't even notice the opponent, this is the master.

This can be regarded as a basic character image of the old man who has paved the way for the whole play, a good old man, and a character who plays chess with the prince in life. He is willing to do nothing and just seek peace.

The second time the old man played chess with the young man, the old man asked: Does our choice define us. The young man said with disapproval: You are you, I am me, just like this game of chess, there is only one ending. The old man's comment on this sentence is: You are still too young.

Yes, what this show wants to show us is a Go-style life, in which every choice you make may change the whole game. The key is not how you choose, the key is whether you understand how your opponent chooses.

Young people only pay attention to themselves, but the old man can see through the opponent.

Mr. Simmons, who plays Howard, is really good at acting. One person plays two roles, and the difference between the two roles can be judged only from the back.

The other life of the old man Howard will affect him in this world. In fact, the old man in the two worlds is the same person, but they choose different places in life. In fact, what the young man said in the chess game is not wrong, it is just that he did not see it deeply enough. The old man is himself. No matter how mediocre he is in a game of chess, he cannot hide the profoundness of his chess skills. Son, the whole situation is different.

And if we really meet our selves in a parallel world, will you project our selves in that world? Which is the better self? The old man is also confused, but he knows that he must be himself, because only the self in this world can truly cherish the precious things that he has in this world. His wife, his life, his desserts...

Which is the better self? In this world, only you are the best version of yourself...

Looking forward to what kind of good chess the old man will play next!

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