love reincarnation

Melany 2022-03-26 09:01:11

A very good story and brain-burning movie. It tells that time and space will stop at the exact moment of 2:22 pm at Central Station, and the image of 30 years ago will occur. The male protagonist starts to pay attention to this image. It started when the heroine's plane almost collided at work, and then when I met and became lovers because of watching the ballet in the air, everything was like destined, the same thing happened every day, the hero just Begin to search for the mystery, and finally find that the letter knows that the original and the heroine are the same as what happened at Grand Central Station 30 years ago, and then start to find the answer, and finally return to the normal story. Time can pass, but love is eternal. It can go through decades and do the same thing again. Only by breaking the shackles of fate can new happiness begin.

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Extended Reading

2:22 quotes

  • Dylan: in everyone's life there comes a time when the universe open itself for just a few moments to show us what's truly possible

  • Dylan Branson: [opening narration] My dad told me that people have always looked to the patterns of the stars to predict what was going to happen in their lives, and if you could understand those patterns then you'd be able to know what was going to happen before anyone else did. Last time we saw each other, he told me that each star's light has taken decades to reach us, and how it always burns brightest right before it dies. So now whenever a distant star lights up, I always feel like somewhere, somehow, someone's life is about to end.

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