Correct or kind? This is a problem!

Chet 2022-03-26 09:01:05

When Augie was in his first class in elementary school, the teacher wrote this sentence on the blackboard, "If there is a choice between being right and being kind, I choose being kind."

Whether it's Auggie giving Will to copy during the exam, or Will and Julian getting into a fight because Julian calls Auggie a "monster", Will refuses to tell the principal why the fight is going on because it would Not fair to Julian.

Julian repeatedly humiliated Augie in various ways because of Augie's appearance. The principal invited Julian's parents. The mother complained that Augie's appearance affected his son's studies. The principal said this to Julian's parents. "His looks can't be changed, but we can change how we think about him"

These warm details are all closely related to kindness. Is it better to choose political correctness? Or listen to your heart and choose kindness? I think everyone has the answer too!

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Wonder quotes

  • Nate: You feel like you're all alone here, but you're not!

  • Via: You can't blend in when you were born to stand out.