Untouchable historical destiny

Karelle 2022-03-25 09:01:15

Whether it was a defeat of defeat or a defeat of victory, the discussion of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor itself is now meaningless. There is providence in the dark, and history has its own destiny. Human will and strength can only move forward passively in the tide of the times. The greatness of politicians is not to compete with the times, not to move against the trend, but to make a decisive decision at the right time and place. Yamamoto's tragic nature is not his ambition, but his pattern and vision just out of line with the times, and at the same time, history has given him the mission and responsibility that goes against his own will. Yamamoto's fate and the fate of the Japanese Empire were both pushed to destruction by the inertia of the war machine.

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Tora! Tora! Tora! quotes

  • Lt. Cmdr. Fuchida: Warrant Officer Mizuki, signal all planes: "prepare to attack!"

  • Commander Minoru Genda: Everything is strangely quiet. The American anti-aircraft batteries haven't fired a shot! And no enemy fighters over the harbor, sir! We've done it! Send the message: "Tora! Tora! Tora!"

    Commander Genda's Co-Pilot: And no enemy fighters over the harbor, sir!

    Commander Minoru Genda: We've done it! Send the message: "Tora! Tora! Tora!"