Diving is risky, please think twice before going to sea

Thora 2022-03-27 09:01:12

"Shark Shore" Zhuyu is in front, and there is no freshness to watch this again.

Nearly one third of the film began to enter the crisis, and it was too slow. Probably the screenwriter couldn't think of how to do the trick after entering the crisis, so he could only use this trick. There is a big question: Can two people communicate with each other when the diving is so deep? Why didn't the divers let the supporting actresses rise to the surface? It's just over 40 meters away. Although there may be danger of sharks and decompression sickness, it is better than staying underwater. The lighting rod that can still be ignited in water is awesome, invented by water? Is it a Chinese profiteer who produces the cables? Reminds me of "Crazy Stone".

Finally, the small reversal at the end is the biggest highlight, otherwise the whole film is really mediocre.

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47 Meters Down quotes

  • Sammie: Oh, it's like you're going to the zoo - except you're in the cage.

  • Captain Taylor: Trust me, once you go down there you wouldn't wanna come back up again.