Three cases, intertwined

Santino 2022-04-21 09:03:53

The three dead and the three cases are actually interlinked, and the murderer has always been the writer alone from beginning to end.

The first case, the suicide of a girl.

It seems that this case has nothing to do with the writer, and the writer also put the blame on the wife. It was the wife who deliberately leaked the girl's name in order to make the writer's book sell well. She didn't want that person to be a writer, so he Girl who died by suicide quarrels with wife. But it was actually revealed by the writer that his wife wanted him to surrender, but he refused, so he simply killed his wife.

On the surface, the girl committed suicide. Even if the police knew that the person who deliberately leaked the girl's name was indeed a writer, it had nothing to do with him. After all, the girl committed suicide, but the writer should still be held accountable. After all, his wife and lawyer are already preparing to sue him, indicating that in the case where he deliberately leaked the girl's name and caused the girl to commit suicide, he may indeed be convicted. Maybe not intentional homicide, the punishment will be lighter, but in this case he Nor is it innocent!

The second case, the natural death of the wife

It is because of the first case that there is a second case. If it wasn't for the girl's name being leaked and being ridiculed by various media and people who eat melons, causing the girl to commit suicide, the writer's wife would not be so determined to let the writer turn herself in. If it wasn't for his wife's determination to turn him in, he wouldn't have murdered his own wife. So it's all in one ring. If the girl did not commit suicide, perhaps the wife would not be so determined. If he had to surrender, the wife would not die.

In the second case, it seems that the wife died of heart disease naturally, but the writer took advantage of the fact that her wife had a natural heart disease and needed to take medicine every day, and deliberately changed her medicine to three times the original dose! Although the writer finally got out of prison and burned all the records of buying medicines, but if he investigates seriously, he should be able to find the pharmacy where he bought the medicines, so as to find the records of buying medicines, or the monitoring when he bought the medicines. With that triple dose, and the drug purchase records, it should be possible to indict the writer for intentional homicide for intentionally killing his wife.

In fact, after the second case was over, there would have been no death of the lawyer in the third case, but because the writer discovered the record of the communication between the wife and the lawyer to sue the writer, there would be a third case, which is also a ring-shaped case. interlocking. But it is precisely because the writer discovered the record in time that there is such a wonderful story, otherwise he would be sued by a lawyer the next day, and he deliberately killed his wife.

The third case, the death of the lawyer

The death of the lawyer in the third case can be described as an extraordinary performance of the writer. The lawyer's death was inevitable, because he knew that the writer deliberately leaked the girl's name. At the same time, because the matter was too important and too secret, the writer's wife should not tell others, and could only consult with the lawyer. So no one else should know, only the writer's wife and lawyer know that the wife is dead, and to silence the lawyer, the lawyer must also be killed.

Before killing the lawyer, the writer based on the broken glass coffee table of the lawyer's house, the computer desktop of the lawyer and his wife, and the photo lamp of the lawyer's wife cheating with other men. These elements are already there, and through his lifelike description skills, the original It was the fact that he murdered himself, adapted into a story of a lawyer's wife and lover who murdered and then framed it for him. In fact, if the third case is not investigated clearly, then the first two cases will have nothing to do with the writer!

If the third case was successfully induced by the writer and ended with the lawyer's wife and her lover murdering the lawyer, and the writer was acquitted, then the second case, with almost no flaws, was entirely the result of the writer's wife having a heart attack. Natural death, the first case, has nothing to do with him at all, because it was the writer's wife who deliberately leaked the girl's name, and the girl committed suicide, which is not the writer's head at all! On the contrary, if the real reason why the lawyer was killed is found, then the other two cases will be solved easily.

The lawyer was killed because he communicated with the writer's wife to sue the writer, not because the writer said he came to the lawyer's house by chance, and it happened that the lawyer's wife and her lover killed the lawyer. Once the cause of death of the lawyer is found out, then the natural death of the wife will be self-defeating. The motive for killing the wife is the same as the motive for killing the lawyer. At the same time, because of the motives of killing his wife and lawyer, it can also be known that the writer leaked the girl's name and caused her suicide, so the crime of indirectly killing the girl was established.

The three cases are intertwined, which can be described as very exciting, but the reasoning is all based on mouthpieces, there is almost no evidence, and it is indeed not very convincing. But although the evidence is not so much, but in fact, it can make do to explain the problem. For the promotion of the plot, although it is a bit far-fetched, it can also be explained.

In the second case, the writer's wife's drug was found, while apparently indistinguishable, was actually three times the usual dose. At the same time, in the author's novels, there happened to be a deceased person who died of drug overdose, and there are reasons to suspect that it was the author himself who reproduced the way of death in the book. After that, as long as you find evidence that the writer bought medicine, and use technical analysis or lip reading to analyze the content of the quarrel between the writer and his wife in the neighbor surveillance video, plus some other evidence, you can basically sue the writer for killing. Wife, while indirectly killing the girl.

In the third case, the person who killed the lawyer was over 6 feet tall. At that time, only the writer and the lawyer's wife could arrest the writer. After all, the lawyer's wife's lover had not been discovered! The unburned photos of the lawyer's wife and her lover's affair were found at the scene, because the Indian police were lazy and stupid, and they were only discovered later. After they were discovered, they immediately arrested the lover for questioning. At the same time, the shoes on the lawyer's feet are indeed not muddy, and the security monitoring is that the lawyer went home at 7:30, and did not go out again after that, which proves that his wife said that he went back at 12:00 is a lie, and the writer said that the lawyer's wife and her lover were there. The lawyer was killed at 7:30, which is consistent with the statement. At the same time, the blood of the lover was still on the scene, which can also arrest the lawyer's wife and lover.

Later, as long as you find the fibers of the writer's clothes on the lawyer's shoes, or anything that can prove that the shoes are the writer's, and in the lawyer's mobile phone, computer and other work content, find the conversation between the lawyer and the writer's wife, and the lawyer searches and sue the writer. The relevant information or search records, etc., should also be able to find out the truth that the writer wants to kill the lawyer to silence it.

But at the end, telling the truth in the writer's tone is indeed a bit too clever. At most, the writer can sit on the plane and recall, the connection of these three cases, and the history of his crime, based on his evil on the plane. A charming smile, and the end of repeated suspicions and denials by the only police officer investigating the case in the face of emerging evidence.

However, the story of the film is exciting enough. Although the details and lines are not particularly rigorous, they are also great. In particular, the laziness and stupidity of the Indian police, as well as various dereliction of duty, do not want to investigate the case, but think about how to be lazy and get off work earlier, and the leaders do not want to find out the truth, but just want to solve the case and make meritorious deeds. Overall, great.

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